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Comparison of religions

Comparison of religions
Re: Humanity the greatest aspect of any religion
    as per Kabir-Das, a great poet-saint of India who said:

        Daya (Compassion) is the root of religion,
        Pride the root of sin -
        Kabir says - do not leave compassion,
        While the breath is still in the body.

   Great men of India, such as Kabir, Nanak, Gandhiji etc.
have always tried to bring men together, to show that all
religions have always preached the way to God and that it
is senseless to fight one another or deride one another.
In the spirit of these great men, the following chart shows
the similarities between religions found in the world today:

          Christianity  Hinduism  Islam  Buddhism     Zoroastrianism    
          ------------  --------  -----  --------     --------------    
Heaven &       Yes        Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes            
God/Devil      Yes        Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes            
            (God/satan)   (Deva/   (Allah/  (Brahman/  (Mazda/ahriman)  
                          asura)   shaitan)  mara)                      
Morality       Yes        Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes            
is enjoined                                                             
Do the Good                                                             
action, think &                                                         
speak good     Yes        Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes            
abhorred       Yes        Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes            
God is the                                                              
Creator of                                                              
the Universe   Yes        Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes            
Reunion with                                                            
God (RE-LEGIOS,                                                         
the joining back                                                        
into a legion)                                                          
is the motive  Yes        Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes            
Rebirth         No        Yes      No       Yes           No            
The Coming     Yes        Yes      Yes      Yes          Yes            
of the        (Jesus)     (Kalki)  (Mahdi)  (Maitreya)   (Saoshyos)     
Judjement      Yes          -      Yes     -             Yes            
Resurrection   Yes          -      Yes     -             Yes            
of the Dead                                                             
Millenium of   Yes          -      Yes     -             Yes            
the Saviour                                                             

   As you see, the religions of the world are almost identical.
   We should stop this childish behaviour of beating our own drum
   and proclaiming that our religion is the best. God sees the earth
   with the Eyes of Equality, not seeing which ladder a man climbs to
   meet him, no seeing what path the lost sheep takes to find the 
   Shepherd so long as it has been found, so long as man has reunited
   with the Almighty.

   Judge for yourself, you have the power to decide between right
   and wrong. Have righteous pride in your own religion, by all
   means. But also respect (at a distance) other religions, or
   you will fall prey to intolerance and discrimination with all
   the attendant evils thereon.


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