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Re: Impersonalism is Unintelligent - Bhagav

In article <3g42nc$kbo@ucunix.san.uc.edu>, cbwillis@netcom.com (C. B. Willis) says:
>H. Krishna Susarla (susarla@rice.edu) wrote:
>: Bhagavad-Gita 7.24    
>Unfortunately, in this Age of Kali, there are many self-styled saints and
>scholars who ignore the Vedic principle of disciplic succession and proceed
>to interpret on their own. As a result, there are so many different and
>contradictory explanations of scriptures given. Politically, this entire 
>hodgepodge of theories and speculations has come to be known as 'Hinduism,'
>with the point stressed that every interpretation is okay. But this is
>actually not Vedic, and if one wishes to learn about God (as opposed to simply
>making a show of it), then one should seek out a genuine guru (one whose
>disciplic succession originates with God, with the teachings remaining 
>relatively unchanged throughout).

I agree with H, Krishna that the spiritual knowledge and appreciation of GOD
has to be taught to one and cannot be learnt by an individual. There is reference
to this in the 4th chapter of Bhagvad geeta. And also the question whether an 
impersonal god or personal god is better is answered by Vyasa through Krishna
in the 12th chapter. In fact the 12th chapter opens with Arjuna asking 

"THose devotees who, ever steadfast, thus worship you and those also who worship 
the imperishable, the unmanifested - which of them are better versed in Yoga?."

and the entire chapter then follows with Krishna's answer to that question. In 

fact I don't know if Krishna answered emphatically whether one is better than the 
other or not. I think he says that to perceive the unmanifested etc is very 
difficult for most of us to appreciate and hence we should start with an personal
god on whom one can meditate upon. Once the mind is quietened and Vasanas are 
exhausted then one can contemplate on the unmanifested etc. 

As far as I am concerned, in my present stage, it does not matter which method
is better. Each one should start and practice a path depending on their present
stage in spirituality. In fact Krishna emphasises this in the 12 th chapter in
slokas 8:12 and later on in the same chapter in slokas 13:20 he gives out 
the qualities one must cultivate to be fully spiritual and reach him.


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