Movie "The Mahabharata"
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Movie "The Mahabharata"
From: dgren@ctp.com (Dmitry Grenader)
Date: 3 Feb 1995 19:57:06 GMT
Distribution: ne
Followup-To: dgren@ctp.com
From news@ctp.com Fri Feb 3 15: 00:32 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Cambridge Technology Partners
Summary: looking for a movie to rent.
I am looking for a video store that would carry
movie "The Mahabharata" and possibly other movies on
the related topic. If you have any information
please email it to dgren@ctp.com
Thanks in advance.
- dmitry
Dmitry Grenader
Cambridge Technology Partners