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Re: Hindu's three Debts

In article <3gp6qe$goq@ucunix.san.uc.edu>, ajit@ix.netcom.com (Ajit Menta)

> Once a hindu is born, he/she has three debts to pay. These debts can be 
> payed i) By Dhana, ii) By Ghana and iii) By having a family. Any 
> analysis on this ?

The three runas (debts) that I am familiar with are: 1. Pitru runa 2. Deva
runa and 3. Guru or acharya runa.

Pitru runa is fulfilled by a) performing the required vedic oblations to
the family forefathers and as a gruhasta to insure that  the prodigy
continues.  Story of Bhagirtha in puranas is the supreme example of this. 
Your number three is this.  

Deva rua is fulfilled by Giving.  Devas are givers.  You can consider them
as the phenomenal forces.  Since you are enjoing the benefits of the
nature, starting from food to eat, air to breath and water to drink etc.
freely, it becomes your duty to return back to the nature.  This is
symbolized in the yagas by offering oblations.  But life itself is a yaga
and one should give to those who are less fortunate whatever you can give. 
This has to be done not to satisfy ego or for the name sake, but offering
as a worship as in havan or homam. Your number one , Dana is this.

The guru or acharya runa is fulfulled only not by paying him or physically
serving him although those may be important duties of a sishya, the runa or
debt is paid only when the teaching is passed on to another (deserving)
student that you recieved freely with love.  This is how the Guru-sishya
parampara or linage of teacher-tought has been maintained and the vedic
texts have been preserved intact for the generations to get benefit.  Your
number four gyana is this.

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