Re: Christian Invasion
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: Christian Invasion
From: tomh7493@aol.com (TomH7493)
Date: 7 Feb 1995 14:24:20 -0500
From root@aol.net Tue Feb 7 14: 19:46 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Posted-Date: 7 Feb 1995 14:24:20 -0500
References: <3gp6ra$gqk@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
Reply-To: tomh7493@aol.com (TomH7493)
Sender: root@aol.net
Prasad Popuri,
Just as no one could have converted me from Christianity to Hinduism if it
had not been right for me, Christian Missionaries cannot convert anyone
else unless the one being converted is in need of it.
Why do they have to try and convert in the first place?? They have been
told so many times that they have the only true path that they HAVE to
help other find it also. Professional Christions have an enormous EGO.
In Christianity, there is an old joke about one sect, the Baptists, and
their EGO. In heaven, a newcomer was being shown around. He was told
"over here in this garden, we have the Catholic, over there, by that lake
is the Methodists, and so on. When they came to a high stone wall, with
no windows or doors, completely bare and ugly, the newcomer asked loudly,
"Who on Earth lives in this lonely, cold place?" His guide said "Quiet,
they are the Baptists and they think that they are the only ones here!!"
The same goes for the entire population of Religous Professionals.
Just look at some of the attacks that take place even within this
DON'T fear the Christians. At different times people must change from the
path they were raised in and in other times they will change again. If I
had been isolated from other religous ways, I would never have found my