Re: a question ...
To: alt-hindu@cis.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: a question ...
From: susarla@owlnet.rice.edu (H. Krishna Susarla)
Date: 5 Feb 1995 15:23:11 GMT
Distribution: world
From news@larry.rice.edu Sun Feb 5 10: 10:24 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Rice University
References: <3guahm$gmk@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
In article <3guahm$gmk@ucunix.san.uc.edu>, shp7967@tam2000.tamu.edu says...
>Hi People
>Somewhere while reading a few publications dealing with Hindu Culture
>I came across a letter complaining as to why Non-vegetarianism is not
>usually considered in coherence with Hinduism. It stated that Krishna
>and Ram were also non-vegetarians themselves -- is that right?, I myself
>find it hard to believe.
Good. Because it is wrong. I have pointed out before that many unscrupulous
and/or unauthorized commentators on the scriptures have mistranslated the
Sanskrit (possibly deliberately) to support the idea that the Lord Himself
eats meat. Actually, in Bhagavad-Gita, the Lord specifies the kinds of foods
He will eat (9.26) and meat, fish, and eggs are not among these things.
I'd like to know the importance of the vegetarian
>diet in the Hindu Religion.
No matter what religion one belongs to, meat eating for the purpose of
satisfying one's taste buds is cruel, immoral, uncompassionate, and sinful.
There are certain Vedic regulatory sacrifices which can be performed to
ingest meat without sin, but these are intended to discourage the meat
eating habit. As they are somewhat elaborate (and require the animal to be
sacrificed personally) they are generally ignored. Consequently, meat eaters
today are making their stomachs into grave yards for dead animals and
getting the full karmic reaction as a result.
>Sanjay Parekh
>then why so much hue & cry about the vegetarian diet?
Because there are so many 'religious' people on this net who condone the
torture and slaughter of millions of animals/year, and they don't even have
the basic moral belief that there is something inherently wrong with this. I
know many atheists who can admit that animal slaughter is morally wrong, so
what is the problem with these 'religious' people?
- Hari Krishna Susarla - "Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, -
- susarla@owlnet.rice.edu - become My devotee, offer obeisances to Me and -
- Rice University - worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, -
- Class of 1995 - surely you will come to Me." -
- Biochemistry - - Bhagavad-Gita 9.34 -