Re: a Post to alt.hindu Why this Ramakrishna- Vivekananda bashing?
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: a Post to alt.hindu Why this Ramakrishna- Vivekananda bashing?
From: tomh7493@aol.com (TomH7493)
Date: 7 Feb 1995 09:19:14 -0500
From root@aol.net Tue Feb 7 09: 16:01 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Posted-Date: 7 Feb 1995 09:19:14 -0500
References: <3g3vhv$c0j@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
Reply-To: tomh7493@aol.com (TomH7493)
Sender: root@aol.net
In response to my statement that RAMAKRISHNA proclaimed the validity of
all paths that lead to GOD, no matter the religion, VIJAY said:
>Note that the following paths: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism,
>any standard definition of Vaisnavism, etc. all rule out the possibility
>of RK being God, so if one indeed _accurately_ followed these paths,
>one couldn't at the same time accept Ramakrishna's teachings.
This is just as enlightening as the ignorant one who had never seen a map
and travels between Washington, DC and Richmond, Virginia, but only on
Interstate 95. He thinks that is the only way and all other roads lead
elsewhere. But those who have a more open mind or who have actually
traveled other roads know that Route 1 also goes between these cities.
And you can even take various combinations other many other roads and get
there. There is nothing in the Teachings of CHRIST that denies
RAMAKRISHNA, maybe in the PRACTICES and TEACHINGS of the Christian
Church, but we all know how polluting blindly following PRACTICES can be.
Because He acceptes these other paths, but they don't accept HIM only show
the ignorance and narrowmindedness of these other paths. HE would accept
your path as being valid.....
Also, why do you feel it so necessary to so vilely attack RAMAKRISHNA,
when we don't feel compelled to attack Prabhupta.