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Re: aham brahmasmi - Revised and Enlarged!

In article <3guaia$goi@ucunix.san.uc.edu>, manish@cadence.com (Manish Tandon) says:
>Where are all the advaitans gone??

I believe most true advaitans would answer something like "we are not elswhere" 

>Both these Upanisadic aphorisms seemingly imply that everyone is brahman 

I think it is an understatement to call anything from the Upanishads an aphorism. After all,
they _are_  the Himalayas of human thought, the absolute Crest-Jewel.

> Consequently, advaitans almost always cite them to prove that their's is the only theory supported
>by sruti and that Vaisnava approches are all based upon smriti, hence  based upon ignorance. 

I can not follow the  line of reasoning in your posting, so I have to cite myself.
>From the Kaivalyopanishad, part of Atharva-Veda, translation by Swami Madhavananda:

  That which is Supreme Brahman, the soul of all, 
the great support of the universe, subtler than the
subtle, and eternal - that is thyself, and thou art That."

"That which manifests the phenomena, such
as the states of wakefulness, dream and profound sleep,
I am that Brahman" - realising thus one is liberated from all bonds.

What constitute the enjoyable, the enjoyer, and 
the enjoyment, in the three abodes - different from them
all I am, the Witness, the Pure Consiousness, the Eternal
Good .

IHMO anyoneself reading this art That.

The "method" to experience this is "Who am I?" . A method that 
itself will disappear and become ever non-existent once it has fulfilled
its task, since there can be no path or method to become That which you are.


PS. the above is of course not my own thinking. Mainly borrowed form
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.


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