Gita Discussion
Hindu Students Council
Univ. of Illinois - Chicago
...met on 2/13 to discuss the 3rd,4th,and 5th essentail principles of the G
eeta - Loksangraha, Bhakti (Devotion), and Integration.
The meeting was well attended and people generally added some interesting insig
ht to the discussion.
This meeting concluded our discussions on the Geeta. Although we have only
scratched the surface as far as understanding goes, we have at least started to
think of the Geeta as a reference for life and to at least think about the
principles in it.
The particular packet ( we didn't use the actual Geeta itself ) we used was
an interpretation of the Geeta by Shastriji of Swadhyay. If anyone would like t
o have a copy of this ( it's only about 60 pages or so ), please write back to
me. There is a nominal charge of $2 to cover copying and mailing costs.
Thank you...
on behalf of HSC at UIC,
Nikesh Mundhra