Dharma, Dharma who's got the Dharma?
To All:
This certainly is a fascinating newsgroups, and it has been helping
me learn more about the things i want to know, however, many things still
confuse me greatly, and i imagine they will continue that way for a long
while ahead.
i am not a Hindu, nor am i a Christian, though i was raised one-- my
father was a Southern Baptist and my mother was a Presbyterian. While
i've found a great deal of good things in the western tradition of
thought, far more fascinating and more deeply felt ideas have been
expressed in the writings of the east, from what i've seen. but "i am
only an egg," as Valentine Michael Smith says. i've yet to grok many of
the concepts offered here, even in thsi newsgroup.
Dharma is the most troubling concept i've dealt with so far. As with
so many other beautiful (Yes! That's it exactly!!) concepts, i know that
no straightforward explaination i get will b entirely enlightening, but
perhaps one will be enough of a roadmap that i may find my own way to what
i need to know. What is Dharma? i hear and read so much about it, but
don't know anything. i thought it meant your Duty in life, or your
mission. Like Belushi and Akroyd-- "We're on a mission... from GOD."
To save the orphanage by getting the band back together, that was their
dharma. Or for the Shudras, their dharma has been to serve well. I'm
certain that i am mistepping and waaayyy off. So i would like some
correction. What is it, and what does it mean? I thank in advance any
help offered from you.
-Elbereth Gilthoneil