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Bhagavad-gita study course

What follows is a Study course designed for Bhagavad-gita. It is very 
long, so those who are interested should save this article and download it.


This study course was originally designed for the ISKCON gurukula in 
Sridhama Mayapur. This is a sumarization of the original course. The 
original course was a two year course entitled "Bhakti-sastri Study 
Guide" which was based on Srila Prabhupada's analysis of Bhagavad-gita, 
which he wrote in 1947 while staying in Jhansi (sp?). Srila Prabhupada 
had written the "Analysis of Bhagavad-gita" as a study system for members 
of his League of Devotees. It was reprinted in the 1981 Vyasapuja book 
under the section entitled "nectar from the BBT archives".

This present sumarized form of the Bhakti-sastri study guide was designed 
to be a seven days course (instead of a two year course) for the purpose 
of teaching in schools throughout South India. It is a very successful 
program, and all of the ISKCON temples in South India are conducting it.

If you are interested in the original unabridged "Bhakti-sastri Study 
Guide" you may contact the Australian BBT (address available on request) 
or you can purchase a photocopy of the book from me (it is out of print 
in U.S.). Both versions, the "Bhakti-sastri Study Guide" as well as the 
"Bhagavad-gita Study Course" were both compiled by Sriman Atmatattva Das 
Adhikari, former director of the Mayapur gurukula. This document is also 
available printed as a booklet.

your servant,

Jahnava-Nitai Das




Krsna  is the Supreme Personality of  Godhead,  Bhagavan.(15.18). 
He spoke Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna, who is in a direct relationship
with Krsna  as His friend and devotee.(4.3).  Only by the process
of devotional  service  can one  revive one's  relationship  with
Krsna.(18.55).  Therefore, Bhagavad Gita should be  taken up in a
spirit of devotion.(18.67)

Everyone is full of anxiety because  of  the  material  existence
(8.15).  The cause  of suffering  and the  actual  destination of
life  are  proper  subjects  of  enquiry.  Krsna  answered  these
questions, through  Bhagavad  Gita, and thus relieved Arjuna from
all material miseries by making him understand his constitutional

The  following  is  a  summary  of  Sri  Krsna's  explanations of
Absolute Truth in Bhagavad Gita:

"Sri  Krsna is  the  Supreme  enjoyer, controller  and  friend of
all.(5.29).  Nature (prakrti)  is  His  energy.(15.7).  Jiva  the
individual  living  entity, is part  and  parcel of His spiritual
(internal) energy.(7.5).   Material  nature (constituted of three
qualities   or   modes  viz.,  sattva,  rajas,  and  tamas)(14.5)
consisting  of  eight  elements  namely  earth, water, fire, air,
ether,  mind  intelligence  and  false  ego,(7.4)is His  external
energy.   By a combination  of the three modes of material nature
and under the  control of time (which is another energy of Krsna)
there are activities and resultant reactions.  Material nature is
real and eternal, whereas the manifestation of the material world
(of these activities and reactions) is real but temporary.(13.20)

The Supreme conscious Lord Krsna, is conscious of all the bodies,
everything and every atom.(13.3)  Even when He appears within the
material  creation  in  any  form,  His  consciousness  is  never
materially  affected.   Jiva   is   only  conscious  of  his  own 
body(13.2)  Matter is unconscious, without the presence of jiva."

Due to material pollution of the consciousness, the living entity
is entangled in bodily  actions  and  reactions(15.8)  which  are
actually  carried on by the modes of material nature.(3.27)  This
pollution  can be  purified by dovetailing the activities in full
co-operation with  the will  of  Krsna.  These activities in pure
consciousness called bhakti are transcendental to the three modes
and thus the performer  becomes  free from actions and reactions. 
In this liberated  stage one attains  his constitutional position
as servant of Sri Krsna.

All  the  planets  within  material  existence  have the material
miseries  of  repeated  birth, death, old age and  disease.(8.16) 
The spiritual  world  has no  such inebrieties.  Following in the
footsteps of Arjuna, if we act according to Krsna's instructions,
we can  attain  the  abode  of  Krsna from where we never have to
return to this material world. (15.6/8.21)

Our  thinking,  which is now absorbed in material energy, must be
transferred  to  the  spiritual energy.  This is made possible by
practicing  to  remember  Sri  Krsna by always chanting His names
(which  are spiritual,  non-different from  the Lord) and molding
our  life's  activities  in  such a way  that we can remember Him

It is Krsna's  instructions  that  this process must be learnt by
rendering  service to and  enquiring  submissively  from  a  self
realized   soul,  in  an  unbroken   disciplic   succession  from

Vedic knowledge is  infallible,  above  all  doubts and mistakes. 
The  purpose  of  Vedic knowledge is to know the Supreme Lord Sri
Krsna.  Sri  Krsna  reveals this knowledge through Bhagavad Gita. 
Therefore, Bhagavad Gita  should  be  accepted 'as it is' without
interpretation, deletion or addition.


1.   How should one take up the study of Bhagavad Gita? Why?
2.   What are the proper subject matters for enquiry?
3.   How did Krsna relieve Arjuna of all miseries?
4.   Rewrite the passage containing the summary of explanations
     on the absolute truth in the Bhagavad Gita.
5.   What is the cause of miseries in the material existence and
     what is the real destination of life?
6.   What is the process for attaining the real destination of
7.   What is Krsna's instruction on learning the process?
8.   Why should one accept Bhagavad Gita 'as it is'?
9.   In what way has your understanding of Bhagavad Gita changed
     since studying this lesson?


(Ch. 1 to 3)

As the opposing armies stand poised  for  battle  in  Kuruksetra,
Arjuna the mighty  warrior, sees his  enemies  who  are  all  his
intimate  relatives,  teachers  and  friends.   Overcome by grief
and pity, his mind bewildering, Arjuna fails in his  strength and
gives up his determination to fight.

Arjuna  submits  himself  to  Lord  Krishna  as  His disciple and 
Krishna  begins  His  teachings  by  explaining  the  fundamental
distinctions  between the temporary material body and the eternal
spiritual soul.  The Lord explains the transmigration, the nature
of   the   selfless   service   and   the   characteristics  of a 
self-realized person.(3.19)

A self-realized person is  not  diverted  by  various  types   of
fruitive activities because he is firmly situated  in  self,  the
soul - as part and  parcel of Krishna.(3.17).   The  revival   of 
such  relationship is  the  highest  perfectional  stage  of  all
vedic knowledge.

It is not possible to curb the forces of sense  gratification  by
human endeavor.(3.33).  The  senses  require real engagement.  By
usingeverything in the service  of  the Lord one can save oneself
from becoming  the victim  of  material  consciousness.  Thus  by 
the strength  of  Krishna  consciousness one  should  direct  his
steady intelligence towards his pure identity.(3.43)


1.   Why did Arjuna give up his determination to fight?
2.   Can you explain how it was relevant to discuss self
     realization with Arjuna on the battlefield?
3.   What is the highest perfectional stage of all Vedic
4.   How can one become free from material consciousness?


(Ch. 4 to 6)

The principles of religion  are  direct  orders  of  the  Supreme 
Personality  of  Godhead, laid  down in the  Vedas, that push one
towards complete surrender unto  Him.  Whenever  such  principles
are  disturbed  by  the  demoniac  the  Lord  appears in His  own
spiritual energy.

The  truth  about  the  appearance  and activities of Krsna, when
known  can  free  one  from  the  cycle of birth  and death.(4.9) 
Such  knowledge  should  be   gained   by   hearing   from   self
realized  soul.  Material  attachments  make  one  bereft of such

Negligence of spiritual  life, fear of spiritual identity and the
conception of void that arises from frustration in life are three
kinds  of  material  attachments.   To  become  free  from  these
material  conceptions  one  should  take  shelter of the Lord, in
Krsna  consciousness.  Krsna  consciousness is gradually awakened
by  different  types of sacrifices.  All  sacrifices are based on
regulated  actions,  where   the   important   factor   is   self

Devotional  activities  to  satisfy   Krsna,   strengthen   one's
knowledge of self, and the complete  knowledge of the Lord as the
supreme controller and enjoyer  of  all  sacrifices.  By becoming
perfect in such  devotional  life one attains liberation in Krsna
even while performing service  with  the  material body.(5.10,13)
Thus  the  culmination  of  all kinds of yoga practices is bhakti
yoga.  Hearing  the  transcendental names and activities of Krsna
is  an  expert  treatment  for  the mad mind and eating foodstuff
offered  to  Krsna  is  the  appropriate  diet  for  the  disease
of  material  existence.  This  treatment is the process of krsna
consciousness, the  real  and  topmost  yoga  system   for   this


1.   What is the purpose of the principles of religion?
2.   What is the truth about the appearance of the Lord?
     How can one know this truth?
3.   Why should one become free from material attachments?
4.   What is the culmination of all kinds of yoga? How?
5.   Explain the simplicity and greatness of the Krsna conscious


(Ch. 7 to 10)

There is no truth superior to Krsna.  Everything rests upon Krsna
as pearls  strung on a thread.  Though everything comes from Him,
He is  fully independent.(7.7)  He is the controller of the three
modes that delude  everyone in the material existence.(7.13)  So,
those  who  surrender  to  Him  can   cross   over   His   divine

Grossly foolish, lowest among  mankind,  those whose knowledge is
stolen by illusion and those who wilfully take to demoniac nature
do not surrender to Krsna.(7.15)  Those  who  are distressed, who
desire  wealth,  who  are  inquisitive  and  who  seek  knowledge
surrender to Krsna.(7.16)

The  material  manifestation  is  temporary.   It is periodically
created and annihilated.  Any place within the material existence
is full of miseries where repeated birth and  death  take  place.
But those who surrender to Krsna, can cross  this  ocean of birth
and death and attain  the  Lord's  abode  which  is  eternal  and
transcendental.(8.16)   He  is  attainable   only  by   unalloyed
devotional service.(11.54)

Sense enjoyment through the Vedas results in  repeated  birth and
death. (2.42)  Since Krsna is the supreme  controller  those  who
worship the  demigods  are  worshipping  Him only, but in a wrong
way.(9.23)  They take birth among  the  demigods  as  much as the
worshipers of ancestors and  ghosts take birth amongst them.  But
those  who  worship  Krsna  attain  Him.(9.25-26)   Krsna  can be
worshiped with genuine love by offering even a leaf,  a  drop  of
water, a fruit or a flower.

If one does not become perfect in worshipping Krsna in  one life,
he can continue from where he left off in his  next  life.  There
is no loss or diminuation for devotional service.(2.40)

All  wondrous   displays of beauty, grandeur or sublimity, either
in  the  material   or   spiritual   world,   are   but   partial
manifestations  of Krsna's divine energies and opulences.  As the
supreme  cause  of  all  causes  and  the  support and essence of
everything  Krsna  is  the  Supreme  object  of  worship  for all


1.   List the kinds of people who surrender to Krsna and those
     who don't.
2.   Explain how one can cross over the material energy.
3.   What should be the purpose of Vedic life and why?
4.   What is wrong in worshipping demigods?
5.   What is the most important factor in worship of Krsna?
6.   Why should Krsna be worshipped by all?


(Ch. 11 to 13)

Lord   Krsna   grants  Arjuna  divine   vision  and  reveals  His
spectacular,  unlimited  form  as  the  cosmic universe.  Thus He
conclusively establishes His divinity.(11.5)  Krsna explains that
His own, all beautiful human-like form is  the  original  form of
Godhead, One can perceive  this  form  only  by  pure  devotional

The  universal  from  is  material  and  temporary,  just  as the
material world is temporary.  A devotee is not much interested in
the universal form, for it does not  enable  one  to  reciprocate
loving feelings.

Bhakti yoga, loving devotional  service  to  Lord Krsna,  is  the
highest and the most expedient means for  attaining pure love for
Krsna, which is the highest conclusion  of  spiritual  existence. 
Those who follow this supreme path develop divine qualities.

One should be attracted  to  the personal form of Krsna, for that
is the highest  spiritual realization.  The path of impersonalism
is troublesome for those who have a body.  As far as a devotee is
concerned,  Krsna  Himself  delivers His pure devotee.  Therefore
one  should  not try to deliver himself in spiritual realization. 
Everyone  must  take  shelter of the supreme  omnipotent Godhead,
Krsna, by practicing the process of Krsna consciousness and fully
engaging himself in devotional service.(12.5-7)

To reach the highest goal, Krsna, there are two processes:

Renouncing  the  fruits of one's activity and coming to knowledge
by  such  renunciation,  and  then to the stage of meditation and
then  to  the  stage  of  understanding  Supersoul  and, at last,
approaching the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is  the  step  by
step, indirect process.(12.8-14)

Devotional service is the direct method.  In  this  process there
are two stages.  To practice the regulative  principles of Bhakti
yoga under the guidance of an expert  spiritual  master  for  the
purification  of  the  senses is the first stage.  In this stage,
one can finally develop  an  attachment for Krsna.  In the second
stage,   when   that   attachment   develops   into   a   natural
transcendental love for Krsna, one is in direct relationship with
the Supreme Lord in devotional service.

The  preliminary  stage  of  understanding   devotional   service
perfectly, is known as knowledge.  In terms of Vedic literatures,
perfect   knowledge  of  the  constitution  of  the   body,   the
constitution  of  the soul, and the constitution of the Supersoul
is that knowledge.

The purpose  of  knowledge is to understand  distinctly  that the
living  entity  has by chance fallen into the material existence. 
If he reverts to spiritual or Krsna  consciousness by the process
of devotional service, then it is certain that he will never come
again into  this  material  existence.  He will be transferred to
the spiritual world for a blissful, eternal life of knowledge.


1.   What have you understood about the universal form of Krsna
     from this lesson?
2.   What are the two different processes to attain the ultimate
     goal?  Which path would you prefer and why?
3.   What is knowledge and what is the purpose of knowledge?


(Ch. 14 to 16)

Krsna  is  the  seed  giving  father  of  all  the  living beings
conceived  by  the  material nature.  When the living beings come
into  contact with the material nature they become conditioned by
the three modes, goodness, passion and ignorance. (14.4-5)

Goodness conditions one to happiness, passion to fruitive actions
and  ignorance  covers  one's   knowledge   and   binds   one  to
madness.(14.9)   Those  in  goodness  go  upward  to  the  higher
planets; those in passion come back to  earthly  life.  Those  in
ignorance go down to hellish worlds.(14.18)

In his constitutional position a living entity is above the three
modes of material nature.  By engagement in devotional service in
full  Krsna  consciousness,  he is immediately re-situated in the
transcendental  position  and  his unlawful desire to control the
material  nature is removed.  Therefore the process of devotional
service  beginning  with hearing, chanting and remembering should
be practiced in the association of devotees under the guidance of
the  spiritual  master.  Thus  one  can become firmly situated in
Krsna's transcendental loving service.

The  purpose of the Vedas is to cut down the illusory tree of the
material  world  and attain the real tree of the spiritual world. 
The  problems  of  material  existence are due to weakness of the
heart. By understanding the philosophy of the Supreme Personality
of Godhead and engaging  in His service, everyone can become free
from this weakness.(15.3)

Everything   comes   from   Krsna;  He  is  the maintainer of the
world.(15.4)   He  is  the  object  of  all the Vedas.  He is the
source of the Supersoul too. (15.15)  He is  celebrated  both  in
this world and in the  Vedas as the  Supreme  Person.(15.17)  One
who knows Krsna as such  is  the knower of everything.  Therefore
he  engages  in  His  service  and   attains   to   His   eternal

Those  who  are  in the modes of passion and ignorance deride the
scriptures,  deride  the  holy  men   and   deride   the   proper
understanding  of  Krsna.(16.18)   They  are  not   attracted  to
devotional  service.   Gradually  they  sink  down  to  the  most
abominable  type  of  existence  and  thus  lose  the  chance  of
approaching Krsna.(16.20)  But there are others who  develop  the
divine qualities and gradually become  situated in realization of
Krsna.(16.22)  In dividing the divine and demoniac  natures there
is no other  criteria but obedience to the regulative  principles
of scriptures.


1.   What do you understand by 'conditioned soul'?
2.   What are the results of three modes of nature respectively?
3.   How can one become situated firmly in Krsna's service?
4.   What is the value of the philosophy of the Supreme Person to
     those who are suffering the material existence?
5.   Who are the two kinds of people described at the end of this
     lesson and which group would you like to join with?  Why?


(Ch. 17 to 18)

The living being is originally a part and  parcel of the  Supreme
Lord.   Therefore  one  is  originally  transcendental to all the
modes  of   material   nature.   So,   when   one   forgets   his
constitutional  position,  influenced  by  goodness,  passion and
ignorance   one   develops   resultant  artificial  faiths  which 
are  material.(15.7)   In  goodness  one  worships  demigods,  in
passion powerful humans and demons, and in the mode of  ignorance
the ghosts and spirits.(17.4)

The real principle of religious  faith is situated in the mode of
pure  goodness.   But  because  the  heart  is  tainted  we  find
different   types   of   religious  principles.    According   to
different types of faith based on different modes of nature there
are different kinds of worship.

In the pursuit of  all  Vedic  instructions, the ultimate goal is
the  understanding  of  Krsna.  One can achieve faith in Krsna by
accepting the proper  spiritual  master  and  receiving  training
under his direction.(4.34)  When that faith matures, in course of
time, it is called love of God.  This is the ultimate goal of all
living   entities.    One   should,   therefore,  take  to  Krsna
consciousness directly.

One who surrenders to Krsna does not  have  to  execute  so  many
different methods.  That simple surrender unto  Krsna  will  save
him from unnecessarily wasting time.(18.66)

One can thus  make  all  progress  at  once and be freed from all
sinful  reactions.  If one is perplexed about giving up all kinds
of religious forms and simply surrendering unto Krsna, such worry
is useless, because Krsna says, "DO NOT WORRY." (18.66)

Anyone  who  tries  sincerely  to present Bhagavad Gita as it is,
will advance in devotional  activities  and  reach  to  the  pure
devotional  state of life.  As a result of such pure devotion, by
HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE  and  engaging  all  his  senses in
active  devotional  service,  he is sure to go BACK HOME, BACK TO


1.   Why are there different faiths and religions?
2.   What is the real religious faith?  Why?
3.   After reading this lesson, what do you think you should do
     in your life to become perfect?
4.   Describe in three sentences the process of becoming perfect
     according to this lesson.

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