Re: a Post to alt.hindu Why this Ramakrishna- Vivekananda bashing?
X-URL: http://rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu:8080//alt_hindu/1995_Feb_1/msg00070.html
> From: tomh7493@aol.com (TomH7493)
> In response to my statement that RAMAKRISHNA proclaimed the validity of
> all paths that lead to GOD, no matter the religion, VIJAY said:
> Because He acceptes these other paths, but they don't accept HIM only show
> the ignorance and narrowmindedness of these other paths.
Brilliant! You managed to express it so well too!
1) These other paths lead to God
2) But nevertheless they are ignorant and narrow-minded
This is what we would call a contradiction (since it's well-known
that the ignorant, the tamasic ones, don't go back to Godhead)
So either (1) is not true or (2) is not true or both
(1) and (2) are not true. Please explain.
> TomH7493@aol.com