Personal Attacks On Alt.Hindu
To: editor@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu
Subject: Personal Attacks On Alt.Hindu
From: editor.csm.uc.edu (digest editor)
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 95 18:56:26 EST
From editor Mon Feb 20 18: 56:27 1995
There has been a significant increase in personal attacks on Alt.Hindu
While philosophical debate has been part of our great dharmic tradition,
I do not believe that it ought to translate to personal attacks.
I have usually allowed many posts that contain some personal attacks
in the past...but these attacks have got increasingly nasty.
It is therefore, with great regret that I have decided to reject
all the posts that in my opinion contain very little substance and
a lot more personal attacks.
Please note that I intend to take no sides, and in the past 3 days I have
rejected about the same no. of postings on both the sides of ISKON/RK/SV/
dwaita/advaita debate.
Ajay Shah
for Alt.Hindu