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The Relevance of Vedic Science

   The Relevance of Vedic Science      by Dr. David Frawley
    Vedic   science   is   a   system   of  spiritual  knowledge
encompassing all domains of life.
    First,  it  gives  us  the  knowledge  whereby liberation or
self-realization can be gained, whereby we gain the true goal of
life which is the immortality of inner consciousness.
    Second, it provides the  knowledge whereby the outer aspects
of our lives can be harmonized with our spiritual purpose.  This
includes how to take care of our physical body and our society.
    As such  Vedic knowledge provides the  foundation for a true
and spiritual human culture. It extends into all spheres of life
and   knowledge  including   medicine,  astrology,  mathematics,
psychology, sociology and linguistics.
    It  is the  basis of  the art  in India,  its poetry, music,
dance and sculpture.  It was the model for  the social structure
and legal system  of ancient India, which was quite different in
the Vedic age than in medieval or modern times.
     Modern science  is now entering  into the subtle  realms of
mind and  nature. It is beginning  to see the inner  side of the
world  and  thus  coming  closer  to  the  views  of the ancient
    Such concepts as the relativity  of time and space, are well
known in Vedic science. To the ancient seers the entire universe
is the  creation (or recreation)  of consciousness itself,  with
time and  space as constructs of the mind.  As such,  they never
looked upon  time and space  as having an  ultimate or objective
    The Gaia  hypothesis much talked  about today in  scientific
circles,  that  there  is  a  guiding  light and intelligence on
Earth, is another  old Vedic idea. Gaia is  Greek for Vedic Gau,
the cosmic cow,  the spirit of Goddess of  the Earth, the Divine
power working through it.
    The ancients had many chants to this Earth Goddess to insure
the  harmony of  man and  nature and  to keep  us attuned to the
cosmic creative  vibration. Some gave  reverence to her,  others
sought to  bring the Divine  light, the power  of the Gods  into
    Such chants (like the Gayatri) give life to Gaia and protect
and nourish all  life on earth. Vedic science  sees the universe
as a magical play in the  mind, a manifestation of cosmic law to
demonstrate the glory of consciousness and the wonder of being.
Excerpted from the book FROM THE RIVER OF HEAVEN: HINDU AND
                        VEDIC KNOWLEDGE FOR THE MODERN AGE
by David Frawley
Passage Press, 1990, ISBN 1-878423-01-0          
*-=Om Shanti=-*  Jai Maharaj
                jai maharaj |_|_|_|_| mantra corporation
 jyotishi, vedic astrologer |_|   |_| vedic prediction sciences
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