Re: Age of Hinduism
To: ALT-HINDU@cis.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: Age of Hinduism
From: Parag Gupta <PXG111@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 1995 18:27:14 -0500 (EST)
Distribution: world
From PXG111@PSUVM.PSU.EDU Wed Mar 1 18: 32:23 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Penn State University
References: <3ilm2e$fbm@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
In response to what was said about not feeling, and seeing God, thru the
viewpoints of Swami Vivekananda, and SRI Ramakrishna. God is eternal, with no
beginning, and no end. But, when put in a human body ones way of interpretatio
n is not thru the eternal, but through the senses we have as a human. That is
the way, Vivekananda 'saw' or 'felt' God. There is no other way of describing
a metaphysical occurence than in a way that is applicable to the human sense.
And your denial of Vivekananda's Vedanta is another argument which for you
will remain unchanged for the rest of your life. But, the points that were
brought up by nparker were totally ridiculous, and didn't make much sense.
We can talk about Christ's visions, Buddhas ...etc.. in the same way. there
was some sort of touch these souls had with the spiritual world, whether you ca
ll it 'God' or not is up to the individual. But, they did 'feel', and 'see'!!
The last thing I want to respond to is the duality aspect, maybe I am not
representing Ramakrisna, and Vivekanada's philosophy very well, but they were
anything but dualists, they believe in 'ONE' and held true in that concept, so
either I did not communicate well, or my friend you have a little brushing up
to do!!
- Parag Gupta