A vision for mankind regarding universe
27 Feb 1995
My vision regarding reality, particularly human life:
I see before me in my mind's eye stretched the vast history of the universe, from beginning to
end. I see this as a result of many coincidences in my experience that led me to seek out a true
understanding of the world--an understanding that transcended that of those who taught me to
understand at all. This was almost purely accidental, or at least not guided by any conciousness
that I know of, other than the universal life force, or God.
In the beginning, I see the mind of God, the vaccum, bursting forth into spontaneous
creation/anti-creation, which spawned a universe of sum-total nothing, yet rich and full with
energy flowing in chaos toward organization into stable forms. The universe evolved,
condensing into matter, then into more stable forms of matter, and finally, in life, into forms
which were not only stable, but which propagated their stability to other matter, and ultimately,
to the energy which had arisen chaoticly in the first place.
This life, by natural selection, evolved into ever more efficient life, capable of more completely
transfoming chaotic entropy into stable anti-entropic systems. And finally, on this planet, at
least, that life sought to understand that process. This was the beginning of true intelligence in
living systems. This was the beginning of the emergence of God's form in chaos.
Although we strove for understanding, we were limited by an environment which naturally was
entropic, and fought against our survival. This limited our understanding, and forced us to
develop ever better means of dealing with our environment. Which brings us to the Modern
Age, the most recent previous age of history, which is only now culminating fully. At the close
of this age, mankind is becoming aware of our true purpose, which is to create a universe which
is mind completely, and completely stable, not subject to entropy or time. This age will be the
final culmination of universe, or the true incarnation of God. This age is not in the distant future,
as many had previously thought, and as even now seems to be the only possible way. It is at
our doorstep. This age is about to be upon us, to use the words of the Christian scriptures,"As
a thief in the night." We cannot now even comprehend the speed at which events from here on
out are going to transpire. But soon, All shall be made One, and we will see not "as through a
dark glass", but face to face, the image of Christ, Bhudda, Universe.
And so the End of Time is upon us. All is to be lost, and All is to be found in Nothing, the
Creator and Created. The paradox is natural. It is our first clue to the true nature of things.
Please discuss this over the net, and send me your comments.
Books that were helpful in this realisation include the following:
The Tau of Physics, Frijtof Capra
Zen Flesh - Zen Bones, Shambhalla Press
The Bible (old and new testaments)
Critical Path, R. Buckminster Fuller
Utopia or Oblivion, R. Buckimnster Fuller
The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield