this is to announce a new, modified, and re-modified WWW server for
India-related pictures, according to major consensus. This time u r
guaranteed 99.9% that you will be able to readily download any pictures,
unlike the last time eh? :-) A major change is the inclusion of "http://"
links instead of "ftp://."
You will see pictures of all kinds, you name it, almost 15 megs worth
from all over India. I have also included a link to picture viewers for
various platforms. The whole page now has a new look, and is even more
With a good Web browser such as NetScape or SPRY Air Mosaic, and a
SLIP/PPP connection (in my case), ure on your way :-).
Unix/Vax users, the same applies of course.
I am also open to suggestions.
The WWW address is:
Please feel free to include a link in your page to this pictures page :-).
Alternatively, you can FTP to:
Under each directory you will see a README.TXT or README. file with
descriptions to every picture. The best time to FTP is when it is after
11PM in North America, sorry! ;-(
Please no personal requests. I am doing this as a hobby even after under
severe time constraint. A short note of thanks would be greatly appreciated,
this will give me encouragement to continue on further. Thankyou all! ;-)
Well anyways, good luck and enjoy.
PS: Please spread the word about the WWW and FTP addresses please, I
can only do it to a certain few ;-), thanks!
...you may want to include this in an FAQ if you r or know someone
who is maintaining one. Word-of-mouth is best for this page's success.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\UNIX: arun@binkley.cs.mcgill.ca///////////////////////
////////WWW: http://www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/hpp/arun.html\\\\\\\\
******************The Nordiques rule - now its payback time!*****************
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Montreal, Quebec, Canada//////////////////////////