Re: Was Jesus a Pure Devotee?
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: Was Jesus a Pure Devotee?
From: nparker@crl.com (Nathan Parker)
Date: 25 Feb 1995 10:02:42 -0800
Distribution: world
From nparker@crl.com Sat Feb 25 12: 52:19 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: CRL Dialup Internet Access (415) 705-6060 [Login: guest]
References: <3ilm3i$fho@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
Eswar Josyula (76142.1306@CompuServe.COM) wrote:
: >he has said that Jesus was a pure devotee of the Lord, and he has been
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: The question that arises in my mind is:
: Was Jesus a Pure Devotee?
: In order to be a Pure Devotee, Swami Prabhupada prescribed some
: qualifications. : One of them is to have a guru-parampara. What is
: Jesus's guru-parampara going all the way to Krsna?
I know several people will answer your questions, so I will not get into
detail, as others will do that I am sure. I will just mention some things
that probably won't get mentioned. One is that Jesus' guruparamparA does
indeed go back to Krishna. This is described in the BhaviShya purANa. He
is son of surya, and is comming in the paramparA as described in
Bhagavad-gItA as:
imam vivasvate yogam
proktavAn aham avyayam
I don't believe there is any complete translation of BhaviShya purANa,
but you can find the sanksrit texts in some big university research
: The second
: qualification is that authorities declare Jesus as a Pure Devotee. Have
: authorities such as Caitanya Mahaprabhu said anything about Jesus b eing a
: devotee? Again repeating what Swami Prabhupada said about a guru: a guru
: is one who simply repeats what he has heard from his guru.
Yes, such authorities as Bhativinoda Thakur, the purvAcArya of the
present gaudiya line has made such statements.
: In one of his lecture tapes, Swami Prabhupada said that according to the
: vedic scriptures, if one does not base his religion on the vedas, that
: person is considered a nastik (atheist).
What Jesus taught the people was a process of purification so that they
may elevate themselves gradually to the absolute platform. Just as what
Mohammed taught was similarly meant as a gradual process. In BhaviShya
purANa it mentions in regards to both of these personalities that their
mission was to teach mleccha dharma. But if one sincerely followed what
Jesus taught, he would be guided by the Lord to surrender to Him. You can
see that even Jesus' own disciples did not all follow his instructions,
theefore what can you expect of people today?
: Last year, Chinna Jeer swami of
: the Ramanuja sampradaya on his tou r of U.S.A. also said the same thing
: during his lecture in Ann Arbor. It does not appear that Jesus refers to
: the vedas in his teachings.
But he himself is a definite follow of the Vedas, just as SaNkarAcArya
has no doSha (fault) for teaching mAyAvAdam, in the same way Jesus has no
fault for his teachings. This is so because they are carrying out the
order of the Lord. At that time, when Jesus came, you can see in the
bible the situation of society. They could not even accept what little he
told, how then would they ever accept something as pure as the Veda? That
is why Jesus said he has not told them everything. They were not in a
situation to be able to understand anything above what he spoke. This is
the mercy of the Lord, that, even though they refuse to follow Veda, he
gives them a process to gradually be purified. If one is sincere it may
take one life, if one is not sincere then iw will take more. It is the
same with tantra-SAstra, as spoken by Lord Siva to Parvati. Why did Siva,
a great mahAjana, speak a non vedic philosophy? Tantra does not follow
the conclusio of the Veda, so it is atheistic, but Siva gives it so that
those who are not qualified for the Vedic system of varnASrama can still
somehow gradually advace and become purified.
: Eswar Josyula
Hare Krishna,