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Ayodhya debate on SCI, 4

Organization: Penn State University
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 21:01:58 EST
From: Dinesh Agrawal <DXA4@psuvm.psu.edu>
Message-ID: <95054.210158DXA4@psuvm.psu.edu>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.indian
Subject: Re: Ayodhys Temple/Mosque dispute 3
References: <95048.101550DXA4@psuvm.psu.edu> <3i77p5$amm@nntp.Stanford.EDU>
 <95050.182132DXA4@psuvm.psu.edu> <3if31q$852@nntp.Stanford.EDU>
...continued from the last post...
How about Mr Farooq the following paragraph?
Archaeological Survey of India Report by A. Fuhrer (1891): Fuhrer accepts that
Mir Khan built the Babri mosque on the site of the Ram Janambhoomi temple,
using many of its columns. He also confirmed that Aurangzeb had constructed
two other mosques in Ayodhya on the sites of Swargadwar and Treta-ka-Thakur
temples. (Fuhrer: The Monumental Antiquities and Inscriptions in the North-
West Provinces and Oudh, ASI Report 1891, pp 296-297).
Is this paragraph an evidence for you? If not please tell us why?
How about the following paragraph?
Barabanki District Gazetteer by H.R. Neville (1902): Neville reports that
"numerous disputes have sprung up from time to time between the Hindu priests
and the Mussalmans of Ayodhya with regard to the ground on which formerly
stood the Janamasthan temple, which was destroyed by Babar and replaced by a
mosque". (Neville: Barabanki District Gazetteer, Lucknow 1902,pp 168-69)
Is this paragraph an evidence for you? If not please tell us why?
How about the following paragraph?
Faizabad District Gazetteer: This chronicle confirms that the Janamsthan temple
marking the birthplace of Ram at Ramkot was destroyed by Babar and replaced by
a mosque using the materials and columns of the temple. In spite of its desec-
ration, Hindus continued to regard it as a holy spot. The desecration caused
numerous disputes and clashes between the communities. (Neville: Faizabad
District Gazetteer, Lucknow 1905, pp. 172-77)
Is this paragraph an evidence for you? If not please tell us why?
How about the following paragraph?
After analysing the inscriptions on the Babri mosque and studying the archaeo-
logical features, Ms Beveridge says in the translation of Babur Nama, that
Babur was impressed with the dignity and sanctity of the ancient Hindu shrine
it displaced, and that as an obedient follower of Mohammed, Babur regarded
the substitution of the temple by a mosque as dutiful and worthy. (A. Beveridge
Babur Nama in English, vol II, 1922, appendix on "The inscriptions on Babur's
Mosque in Ajodhya (oudh), p xxvii-xxix)
Is this paragraph an evidence for you? If not please tell us why?
How about the following paragraph?
Ayodhya by Hans Bakker (1984): In his most conprehensive study, the Dutch
scholar Bakker has repeatedly and categorically accepted that an old Vaishnava
temple was situated on the holy spot where Ram descended on earth. This
Janambhoomi temple was destroyed by Babur in 1528 and replaced with the now-
existing mosque structure. 14 black-stone pillers from the temple were
utilized by Mir Baqi in the construction of the mosque. Two more pillers have
been driven upside down into the ground at the grave of the Muslim saint Musa
Ashiqan, who is said to have incited Babar to demolish the Janambhoomi temple.
Bakker concludes that Ram Janambhoomi temple was one of the oldest Ram temples
in the country which was in existence in the 12th century. (Bakker: Ayodhya,
1986, pp. 43-59, 60-66, 119-153, part II, pp. 118-121, 143-49, 173-175).
Is this paragraph an evidence for you? If not please tell us why?
How about the following paragraph?
Ramjanambhoomi-Babri Masjid: Archaeological Evidence- Dr. S.P. Gupta, former
director of Allahabad Museum, and who was part of the excavating team headed
by Prof. B.B. Lal, former director general of Archaeological Survey of India,
had summarizes the findings of the team in a write up with lot of photographs
(Indian Express, Dec. 2, 1990), the conclusion of these findings: "...to sum up
at the controversial site, a Hindu temple was built in the 11th century which
continued to be in use till the very end of the 15th century. Then suddenly, in
the early 16th century, it was demolished and its debris was partially used in
the construction of a mosque, now called Babri Masjid. There are two persian
inscriptions still existing in the Masjid. It records that this mosque-like
structure was actually built by one Mir baqi at the command of Babar in Hijra
Era 935 which comes to 1528 AD. Babranama, i.e. the memories of Babar written
by Babar himself, clearly proves that Babar did actually camp at the confluence
of the Saryu and Sidra rivers, located some 8 to 10 km near the township of
Ayodhya. The event is dated in the early years of 1528 AD - 29th March -2nd
April 1528 - a total of five days.
Is this paragraph an evidence for you? If not please tell us why?
How about the following paragraph:
Excerpts from a report on 14th December, 1992 in The Hindu (Madras):
"Archaeological objects recovered from the debris of the demolished Babri
structure here are likely to be the new focal point of propaganda by organisa-
tions in the thick of the Ram temple movement to claim that Mirbaqi, the
commander of Babar's Army, had constructed a mosque after demolishing an 11th
century temple. The objects are claimed to be of pre-Babar period and the
Delhi based Historians Forum in a letter written to the Prime Minister, Mr Rao,
yesterday demanded that these be protected suitably as they would throw new
light on the temple-mosque controversy. Dr S.P. Gupta, a member of the forum,
and a former director of the Allahabad Museum, today visited Ayodhya to have a
first look at the objects, including stone inscriptions, some idols and pieces
of pillers and carvings. He said the remains were of tremendous historical
value and would help experts to arrive at the conclusion as to who had constru-
cted the old temple ultimately demolished by Mir Baqi. Prime reliance to prove
the claim has been placed on two stone inscriptions found on one of the walls
of the Babri structure. The style of the script, according to Dr. Gupta, proved
that it was Nagri script prevalent in this part of North India during 11th
century. The language is Sanskrit. The letters are so prominent that experts
would be able to decipher them completely, though it would need special effort
to read everything correctly."
Shri T.P. Verma of Banaras Hindu University and Prof. Ajay Shastri of Nagpur
university later translated the inscriptions on these stone slabs:
"This inscription in the 4th line speaks of Janambhoomi and a devakula (temple)
The 15th line tells that this great temple of Vishnu-Hari was built with stones
like a high mountain, and it was so wonderful that no earlier king could build
such a temple before. Line 17 informs us that it was built in Ayodhya, which is
full with high and lofty temples, situated in the district (mandala) of Sakets.
This inscription sets at rest the debate whether there was a temple at the
Rama Janambhoomi site before the construction of the mosque by Mir Baqi in
1528. This is the foundation stone with a Prashasti, eulogy, of the king who
built this temple."
Now, Mr Farooq, is this an evidence for you? If not please tell us why?
What I presented here in this series, is just some selected pieces of evidences
just to throw some light of truth to open up your eyes, and there are 'tons' of
such evidences. Now please tell us if all this is not evidence, then what kind
of evidence you are expecting, please describe the nature and source of this
evidence which can convince you and your kind of people. Perhaps, you want a
video recording of the event when Babar ordered his commander to demolish the
temple, and then Mir Baqi charged with his troop to demolish the temple and
then supervised the construction of the mosque using temple material. Perhaps,
even that may not be convincing enough. Then you may demand that Babar himself
must testify by resurrecting himself from his grave. And if by some miracle
that also happens, it may not convincing enough for you, then, as you may even
start accusing Babar also as having been brain washed by VHP/BJP's propaganda.
....to be continued...
Dinesh Agrawal...

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