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Re: Age of Hinduism

>The question will arise that, if they had become jIvan-mukta, then why
>were they still acting in duality? The very fact that there is action
>denotes duality, so how can that be freedom from duality.
The question presupposes that reality is dualistic and then but repeats its
assumption, over and over. From what I've seen of it, duality is but a
function of the lower mind, a mental habit.  When the self masters the self,
duality continues, as does the body, but one is no longer enthralled. I've
noticed that when one's thoughts are unified in Him, the ladle is GOD, the
offering is GOD, the fire...
This is further discussed in the thread SANDEHA NIVARINI SATHYA SAI BABA
DISSOLVING DOUBTS at soc.culture.indian.

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