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Re: a Post to alt.hindu Why this Ramakrishna- Vivekananda bashing?

HKS>It's interesting that you should mention humility. You see, I was just 
thinking that it is very arrogant to take the words of God and twist them to 
suit individual biases, even when it is done by the so-called avatar gurus 
that seem to be infesting Kali Yuga and preaching their monistic philosophy.

HKS>But even more arrogant than twisting Lord Krsna's words to forge your own
philosophy is the idea of someone claiming to be, or allowing others to 
think, that he is God. 

I don't know why you feel that, for Vaisnavism to be right, everyone else 
must be wrong.

You don't have to twist Lord Krishna's words at all.  He explicitly says:

"The wise man, realising that oneness alone is the truth, should neither
praise nor condemn anything in the world."

[Sounds like those two paragraphs above aren't very wise. :-) ]

"Diversity is the result of the soul's sleep, or ignorance!  It is a long
dream.  When such is the case, what is good, what is evil?  Whatever is
described by speech and whatever is thought of by the mind is all false."

[Lord Krishna sounds amazingly similar to Shankaracharya, doesn't he? :-) ]

"Duality is untenable.  I alone existed before creation and shall exist after
dissolution; hence I alone exist even now by whatever names and forms I may
be thought of."

[So, Lord Krishna alone exists now - so YOU are Lord Krishna, and so is your
computer screen!]

"One should therefore cultivate the keenest discrimination or understanding,
by which one is able to rise above the mist of dualities and bask in the
eternal sunshine of self-knowledge." "Nothing short of perfection, which is
the realisation of the self, or unity, can bestow liberation on you."

from Srimad Bhagavatam, Book Eleven

Hare Krishna!


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