Re: the Guru and you
In article <3ilm41$fi8@ucunix.san.uc.edu:, pp002963@interramp.com wrote:
: In article <3i2m0o$poi@ucunix.san.uc.edu:, <griffin@gate.net: writes:
: : Srinivas Nagulapalli's recent post brought up an issue that i have
: : trouble with, and i'd be interested in other perspectives on this:
: :
: : : * "Showing God is Guru's job. Seeing God is your job."
: : : - Sri Ramana Maharishi
: : :
: : : * "The Teaching is the real teacher. Teacher is only a vehicle. If you
: : : follow the teaching, you will always have the teacher with you."
: : : - Swami Satchidananda
: :
: : I don't understand the emphasis on following a Guru. I've seen this in a
: : few other articles as well.. the idea that one can find God only by
: : devotion to a Guru or through following a set of teachings. If one's
: : "job" as it were is to "see God," then can we not do that directly, or on
: : our own? Is God really limited to showing himself through the Guru only?
: : If God is truly everywhere, why not seek him in direct experience?
: :
: : take care,
: : Kris
: :
: Indeed God is everywhere! Yes indeed, you can "see God" by your own
efforts. It might
: take you far longer to do that than with the help of a Guru. A loose
analogy might make
: the point - A guru has the road map to get there because he/she has been
: Regarding following a set of teachings and seeing God that way, it is
possible. In some
: cases, those teachings and practices are secret and are tranmitted only
orally through a
: Guru / disciple relationship.
: Hope this helps!
All sadhana is good, with or without a teacher, but there are many
advantages to having the guidance of the Guru. There is the energy of the
Guru's lineage, the parampara, which carries with it the blessings of all
the sadhana done and the Realization attained by his/her predecessors.
The Guru not only has the roadmap, but also can impart the grace to
quicken and make easier the journey. This is the value of diksha, of
initiation. The Shakti, the Divine Energy, flows from the Guru to the
disciple, kindling the fire of Yoga. It is a great blessing to have such
Help along the way.
Jai Sri Ram! Tulsidas
Torrey Peacock