In need of information
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: In need of information
From: vishnu@eskimo.com (Robert Hennes)
Date: 30 Dec 94 08:36:57 GMT
From rwing!uucp@ole.cdac.com Fri Dec 30 09: 38:41 1994
Keywords: In need of information
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Eskimo North (206) For-Ever
I was recently introduced to the Hindu religion by a friend who has
recently moved away and I am trying to find out where I can go
for more information of the hindu religion. Also trying to find out
where to maybe send off for a catalog on various items. It
would also be greatly be appreciated if someone could tell me where I
might find some people in my area who could be of help.
My e-mail address is vishnu@eskimo.com.