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Hindi & Gujarati fonts for sale for Mac & Windows

 Hindi and Gujarati TrueType fonts are available with me for both the Windows
PC and the Mac platforms. They can be easily installed and used with any
Windows or Mac word processor, without any additional hardware or software.
The keyboard layout is phonetic so that you can start touch typing immed-
iately without learning a new keyboard. I have published several books in 
Hindi using the Hindi font and guarantee these fonts unconditionally. For a 
mere $24.99 US you get 4 Hindi and 2 Gujarati proportional, scalable fonts 
which will enable you to produce camera ready typeset copy. Contact me 
any time on (204)-275-1598 or write at
 19 Laval Drive,
 Winnipeg, Canada, 
 R3T 2X8
for details if you want them. Specify PC-Windows or Mac format.
As far as my credentials go, I hold a PhD in Engineering and know 9 
languages, including such hard ones as Russian, Sindhi, Urdu, not to 
mention the easy ones such as German, French or Spanish. You can see 
languages are my hobby and producing fonts in East Indian languages is a 
passion with me.

 B.N. Thadani, Ph.D.

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