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Re: Bhagavad Gita translation diff.

<<One of the most important (I think) criteria should be word-for-word 
translation. This ensures that the person cannot (atleast willfully) miss
something and even if they do, it is pretty easy to find that.>>

Absolutely agree!
If you want a wonderfully complete translation and analysis I suggest
contacting the Arshavidya Gurukulam in Saylorsburg, PA.  This organization
run by Swami Dayananda Saraswati teaches Vednata in the tranditional
manner.  One of their projects has been an exxtensive Gita Study course
with materials now reaching over 1200 pages!

What makes this porject unique is that the original verses are translated
word for word and then an interpertation is offered.  It seems to solve
the problem rather nicely.  The analysis is precise, and scholarly without
being dry.

For the serious student of the Gita this should not be missed.

Ben Collins

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