Re: Birth Control
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: Birth Control
From: rram@pipeline.com (Raghu Ram)
Date: 11 Jan 1995 16:14:13 -0500
From rram@pipeline.com Wed Jan 11 16: 04:43 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: The Pipeline
References: <3ev759$l5q@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
Such a stance as described by: Hari Krishna Susarla (see portion of his
post below) is paramount to saying that all unneccessary activities in a
persons life should be limited. One eating more than neccessary to sustain
life, or sleeping late on the weekend is a form of sense gratification as
he calls it. Since he states this is not a service to the Lord humans
should not act like this. Obviously we all do things that would be
considered sense gratification. Maybe even the greatest of all these sense
gratifications for some is prayer/meditation.
Obviously since we all practice in "sense gratification" there should be
some other interpretation to disvow the use of birth control, or else we
also should disvow the baking of really good tasting chocalate cake!
I think that it would be absurd to equate this interpretation to not using
a condom. I have never read or heard any conflict in hinduism to using
artificial methods of birth control.
I would not however classify elective abortions in this category of birth
control. I can imagine conflict with the theories of re-incarnation for an
elective abortion but not with avoiding conception in the first place.
Then considering the various types of artificial birth control and the
mechanism and timing of their actions (relative to fertilization) would
make this a very complicated question.
Responding to:
Birth control, whatever its effects at the level of society, is a license
for unlimited sense gratification between two people. This type of sense
gratification, even if done after marriage, is not a service to the Lord.
Hence, it is animalistic, and will lead to karmic reaction. Humans are not
meant act like animals. Limited sexual activity during marriage life is
permitted, as long as it is done to bring up children for the Lord.
Hari Krishna Susarla
Respectfully disagreeing
Raghu Ram