Re: ... Ramakrishna- Vivekananda bashing ?
Subject: Re: ... Ramakrishna- Vivekananda bashing ?
From: pontus.mattsson%nesterc@nesterc.neste.fi (pontus mattsson)
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 07:33:38 GMT
Apparently-To: alt-hindu%uunet@nesterc.neste.fi
From news%nesterc@nesterc.neste.fi Thu Jan 19 02: 23:26 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Neste Oy, Technology Centre
References: <3fhhna$26n@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
Sender: news%nesterc@nesterc.neste.fi (News Software)
In article <3fhhna$26n@ucunix.san.uc.edu>, vijaypai@kachori.rice.edu (Vijay Sadananda Pai) says:
>Well, I just went and looked at a Ramakrishna book in our school library,
>looked up the chapter "Food and Drink". Ramakrishna said that a Jnani
>can eat _anything_. RK tasted food before offering it to his deity,
>he touched flowers with his feet before offering them and so forth.
>In other words, he was an offender (see BG 3.13).
This depends on your point of view. In the case of a Divine Incarnation
The One making the offering is the same as The One recieving it. Please
read The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna by M.