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Re: a Post to alt.hindu Why this Ramakrishna- Vivekananda bashing?

In article <3fk27o$m6h@ucunix.san.uc.edu>, TomH7493 <tomh7493@aol.com> wrote:
>I think that one reason that Ramakrishna may be attacked is that He
>proscribed devotion as the optimum path for this age and He proclaimed the
>validity of other non-hindu paths.

You do realize the inherent fallacy in this statement, don't you?
The only justifiable way that one can accept Ramakrishna's teachings
is if one believes that RK was indeed God (that issue I have taken
up in another post), since RK doesn't represent any standard
guru-parampara. Note that the following paths: Christianity, Judaism,
Islam, Buddhism, any standard definition of Vaisnavism, etc. all rule
out the possibility of RK being God, so if one indeed _accurately_ followed
these paths, one couldn't at the same time accept Ramakrishna's teachings.

The only path, then, that an RK follower could legitimately follow
would be Advaita Vedanta, which says that you and I are as much God as
RK is, so the whole concoction about RK being God is useless here too.

-- Vijay

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