Bombay's unique philosophy bookshop!!
You folks may be interested in what some Computer Scientists (like myself)
are up to in India. Would appreciate your feedback and ruthless criticism
on the following message regarding a philosophy bookshop. Would hate to be
a bore and hog too much space! If it's OK perhaps it could be aired at
an appropriate venue.
Kavi Arya.
The Best Kept Secret on Internet
--- Chetana Book Centre ---
For those who wish to go beyond coffee-table books on India, we invite
you to Chetana, Bombay's only bookshop specialising in books on philosophy
and religion. Our bookshop consists of books on Indian philosophy, Indology
and thought deriving from Hinduism. These include, Buddhism, Jainism,
Yoga, Zen, and so on.
Our topics include the following:
1) The Four Vedas & Vedic Studies
2) Prasthanatraye ("The three highways"):
Upanishads, Bhagavadgita, Brahmasutras
3) Itihasa - Puranas (The Epics & Mythology):
Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas
4) The Six Schools of Hindu Philosophy:
Nyaya, Vaisekika, Samhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, Vedanta
5) Non-Classical Cults:
Saivism, Saktism (Tantra), Vaishnavism
Other topics on Indology include:
7) Ancient history & polity
8) Philosophy & religion
9) Hindu culture, rites, rituals & sacraments
10) Hindu law, aesthetics
11) Arts, sculpture/architecture, dance, drama & music
12) Hindu sciences & technology, astronomy and medicine
Our selection also includes audio and video cassettes of talks of spiritual
masters such as Krishnamurti, Osho, etc. We also have a new section on books
relating management to philosophy (Self-management) - for instance books
the Sambodh Foundation linking the teachings of the Gita to Management.
Chetana's Mission:
Chetana is not merely a business. It is a celebration of all that is noble
wise in Indian thought. It was started in 1946, by founder Sudhakar Dikshit,
with high ideals to promote and to propagate India's universal spiritual
heritage, with emphasis on the study of its philosophy and culture.
I Am That
Chetana is also a publishing house. Our books on Vedanta, namely "I Am
That" -- the teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and the writings of
masters such as J. Krishnamurti are acclaimed worldwide as classics of
spiritual literature. "I Am That" is now in its 10th edition.
Robert Powell, author of "Return to Meaningfulness", remarked when he
read I AM THAT that he was "deeply impressed and moved by its wisdom and
eloquence." To his mind "Nisargadatta ranks with the great Upanishadic
teachers." We reproduce an extract from the chapter in I AM THAT entitled
"Desirelessness - The Highest Bliss":
+--- Extract from "I Am That":
| "Your own Self is your ultimate teacher (Sadguru). The outer teacher
| (Guru) is merely a milestone. It is only your inner teacher, that will
walk |
| with you to the goal. ...Since He is in you and with you...look within,
and |
| you will find Him."
What our patrons say:
"The real treasures of India are in this bookshop!"
- Ken Dyer (TV Producer) Australia.
--"Chetana is the best bookstore I know for books on Indian religion
& philosophy..."
- Jon Kelly, Princeton Univ., USA.
--"One could buy the entire bookshop!"
- Daryl Harnisch, New York, USA.
--"Fulfilled almost all my wish-list."
- John Grimes, New York, USA.
--"Chetana is an amazing storehouse of dazzling wisdom, knowledge and
- Shaan Sathy, Singapore
--"I Am That - (a Chetana publication) - the turning point in my life!"
- Wolfgang Schener, Kerpens, Germany.
--"Visiting here is like going to a temple..."
- Sudarshan Dheer, Colaba, Bombay
a) Email us at "orders.chetana@axcess.net.in" giving keywords of interest
example: "Jainism, Buddhism, Sankhya, Iyengar Yoga, etc.".
b) We'll recommend some books (by return email) from our booklist.
c) You choose what you want.
d) We email you the cost to send it by air/surface/courier.
e) You send us a draft or a credit card number.
f) We send you the material.
For details contact:
| Kavi Arya, D.Phil.(Oxon.) | Tel: 91-22-282 4983 / 284 4968
| Exec. Director/ Chetana (P) Ltd.|
| (Publishers & Booksellers) | Fax: 91-22-262 4316 (attn: Chetana)
| Specialists in Indian Culture |
| & Philosophy | Internet: orders.chetana@axcess.net.in
| 34 Rampart Row, Bombay 400001 |
| India | Gram: INDOLOGY