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Does it hurt or help to be hindu in west

I have not seen much discussion on this news group so just a thaught to 
start a discussion as well as share experiences.
Most American are not much informed about Hindus and for sure more orthodox
views one has here more alien they think hindus are.My wife is born catholic
she has become sort of a hindu .she has become strict vegetarian.believes
a multi faceted god. We are not very religous by nature .Yes we are more 
spritual .We think Human heritage is our heritage.This earth as our planet
and we all are in it together. Most Americans are also like most Indians
they are born Chritian so they think they are Christian.They have a high 
tolerance for other faiths, and are willing to give benefit of doubt.Hope 
many of you will post on this subject.Peace .Kul Bhushan Chaudhary. 

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