Re.Shiva and Vishnu
Well, it is those who have not really understood the Godhead as
portrayed in the Vedas and Upanishads( and I am sure there is just a
handful who have) are those that still argue over Vaishnavism and
Saivism.The Brahman or the Infinite God, the Formless,Omnipotent all
Powerful source of this Universe ('Yadas Sarvani Bhoothani
Bhavanthiyadhi yugagame, yasmimsa pralayamyanti punareva yugagshaye') is
neither Vishnu or Shiva. He manifests as the Creator(Brahma), the
Propagator(Vishnu) and the Destroyer (Sankara),and He is all three of
these in One.Vishnu as the Propagating Form of the Absolute Godhead, is
believed to have taken several incarnations, but when Vaishnavism refers
to Narayana the reference is not to any of the Incarnations but to the
Infinite Godhead.In the same way, that the Absolute God pervades and
controls the movement of the Universe right from the Atom itself is very
beautifully portrayed in the Cosmic Dance of Nataraja.Shivam in Saivism
once again refers to the Absolute ParaBrahmam. Each of these sects of
Hinduism have evolved with the beautiful ideology of single minded
devotion to the Form that appeals the most to each one, but I think that
has been lost with time. What remain are unnecessary arguments.