Sri Tattva-muktavali
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Sri Tattva-muktavali
From: mpt@mail.utexas.edu (michael tandy)
Date: 29 Jun 1995 23:47:04 GMT
From news@geraldo.cc.utexas.edu Thu Jun 29 19: 35:24 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
Here is the eighth verse of this work, written close to 1,000
years ago by Sriman Madhvacarya:
"The Supreme is all-knowing, and He sees everything. In fact, it
is from Him that this entire cosmic manifestation has emanated,
in such astonishing variety. With but a slight movement of His
eyebrow, He at once creates, maintains, and destroys the three
worlds. You are not like this, my friend, for you are ignorant of
so many things, and although you try to see everything, you can't.
The supremely opulent Lord is the ultimate witness of all actions
in all the worlds. The Supreme is one only, but the individual
souls are many. You are stunted and impure by material contact,
but He remains untouched by maya and always completely pure. You
are always completely different from Him in these ways."