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Reply to Toerance towards other Religious Viewpoints

Reply to Tolerance Towards Other Religious View Points

I am awakened from Vivek's comments. Thanks for his wisdom and good intentions
I have destroyed some of my delusions and got some new insights.
These comments are reflections of those thoughts.

Religious tolerance is a strategy to avoid mistakes.  It is not a
sign of weakness, but a sign of maturity.  Language is a
communication medium between people and Religion is a communication
medium between human and God.  The existence of many languages and
religions is an expression of individual preference!  The question:
"Which religion is right?" is like asking: "Which language is
right?"  Those who appreciate this fact already express tolerance
towards other religions.  Diversity of Race, color, language and
religion is in the control of one or more of us that is the
reality.  We have to adopt ourselves accordingly.  Those who
declare that a particular religious dogma is wrong only expose
their ignorance.

Some people do misinterpret and misquote a religion.  It does not
(should not) imply that the religion is wrong!  Complex religions
such as Hinduism have suffered (and still suffering) by misquotes
and misinterpretations.  When a child mispronounce a word, we show
tolerance and even enjoy those sweet words!  But we don't want to
develop similar attitude on religious matters.  When the stomach is
full, we think, it is empty; But even with total ignorance, we
presume that we have full WISDOM!

An important rule of Hindu Dharma is to express tolerance towards
other view points:

" . . . And another  rule  of  Dharma  is  to  refrain from
criticizing or  condemning the  Dharma  of  another man less
developed than yourself.  He is  not looking through your eyes.  He
may be living nearer to his spiritual ideal than your are to yours
-- how dare you judge him? Are you so  near  perfect  that  you
set your standard up as absolute?"  (Yogi Ramacharaka, "Advance
Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism").  Lord Krishna
is always on the side of Dharma and against those who follow

A new born child is endowed with God given "infinite bliss and
patience."  But we the adults are responsible for the child to
forget those virtues during its growth.  God given gifts can be
realized only through disciplined life. In Geeta, Chapter 18 Verse
73, Arjun says that he has destroyed delusions and has regained his
memory! (Arjuna uvaca:"nasto mohah smrtir labdha").

My comments on "impatience" are directly or indirectly coming from
Geeta, Chapter II: Verses 62 and 63.  Bhagwan Sri Krishna
identifies the root cause of anger and how to control anger, the
emotional response of impatience.  Verses 62 and 63 give His
Profound Message:  Attachment is the root cause of anger.   Bhagwan
says that as a consequence of anger, one loses "Viveka -
discriminatory power" and perishes.  The message is subtle.  Life
without discriminatory power is worse than death.  Deaad bodies are
easy to handle than mad bodies!  Impatience is barrier to make
rational judgement!

Chapter II Verse 62:
dyayato visayan pumsah sangas tesu pajayate
sangat samjayate kamah kamat krodho bhijayate

Translation to Verse 62 (by Dr. Radhakrishnan):
"When a man dwells in his mind on the objects of sense,
attachment to them is produced. From attachment springs
desire and from desire comes anger".

Chapter II Verse 63:
Krodhad bhavati sammmohah sammohat smrtivibrahma
smrtibhramasad buddhinaso buddhinasat pranasyati

Translation to Verse 63 (by Dr. Radhakrishnan):
"From anger arises bewilderment, from bewilderment, loss of
memory; and from loss of memory, the destruction of intelligence
and from the destruction of intelligence he perishes."

In Hinduism, God is not an object.  Objects (images) are used to
help Hindus to visualize God.  The names and forms are vehicles and
not the destination.  Lord Krishna is not an object but he
represents the "ABSOLUTE."  Vishnushasranamam contains 1008 names
of Lord Krishna (Vishnu).  All these names and forms mean the same
abstract God "Brahman."  Those who treat God as an OBJECT become
attached to the object and suffer the consequences elaborated in
verses 62 and 63.  Attachment to God as an object is the root cause
of religious fanaticism.  Such attachments will certainly cause
agitation, loss of buddhi and Identity!  Numerous instances of
human miseries and sufferings in the past and present are caused by
religious fanaticism.

Hindu Scriptures insist everyone to expand the vision beyond dogmas
and images!  The fundamental message of Hinduism is to negate the
one-size-fits-all theory!  Religious tolerance is a Hindu Concept
and Hindus have the obligation to preserve it.  Hinduism, the uncut
diamond needs to be sharpened and shined.  This will help the world
to appreciate its true value.  A win-win strategy is to stop
insulting other viewpoints and start tolerating other dogmas.

                      " Have a Good Day "

"Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path
whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect.  Truth, being limitless,
unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be
organized;  nor should any organisation be formed to lead or to
coerce people along any particular path."  J. Krishnamoorthy

| Ram V. Chandran        || email: chandra2%ers.bitnet@vtbit.cc.vt.edu |
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