Subject: Pranam
From: Rick Hallowell <hallowell@ash.ridgecrest.ca.us>
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 19:50:45 GMT
Apparently-To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
From news@ash.ridgecrest.ca.us Sun Jul 9 18: 20:23 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: RidgeNet - SLIP/PPP Internet, Ridgecrest, CA. (619) 371-3501
Posted-Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 12:12:32 -0700
Sender: usenet@ash.ridgecrest.ca.us (Ridgenet Usenet admin)
My wife is taking a comparative religions class and one of her reading
assignments is _Kalki_ by Gore Vidal using Hinduism as a basis. One
the words used several times in the book is *pranam* as on p. 168,
"Then he made the pranam sign and sat cross-legged..." Our western
dictionaries have no reference to this word. Can you help us?
Rick Hallowell@ridgecrest.ca.us