Re: Guru-Parampara of Vishistadvaita
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: Guru-Parampara of Vishistadvaita
From: mpt@mail.utexas.edu (michael tandy)
Date: 9 Jul 1995 02:37:11 GMT
From news@geraldo.cc.utexas.edu Sat Jul 8 22: 25:29 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
References: <3ti2r3$43f@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
In article <3ti2r3$43f@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, Eswar Josyula <76142.1306@CompuServe.COM> says:
>The guru-paramapara system of the Hindu systems of philosophy can be
>traced back to the Supreme Lord Krishna or Narayana.
>The guru-parampara of the Vishishta-Advaita Vaisnava School is given here.
Thanks. Does anyone have similar information about Vishnuswami
and his (Suddhadvaita) Rudra Vaisnava sampradaya?