Re: Indian Legends (Was: Re: Shiva and Vishnu)
To: alt-hindu@cs.washington.edu
Subject: Re: Indian Legends (Was: Re: Shiva and Vishnu)
From: Anshuman Pandey <apandey@u.washington.edu>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 12:07:27 -0700
From root@nntp4.u.washington.edu Tue Jul 18 14: 55:41 1995
In-Reply-To: <3uf5dt$k77@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: University of Washington
References: <3uf5dt$k77@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
This debate of whether Shiva or Vishnu is the greatest is absurd. Isn't
it just a matter of faith? The Vaisnavas believe that Vishnu is the key to
liberation and that a personal relationship with God is essential. The
Shaivas believe that Shiva is the key to liberation and a personal
relationship is not really essential (I may be wrong on this).
It seems that most of the quotes given by those pushing Vaisnava
philosophy always put the word Visnu or Krsna in paranthesis after the
word brahman or prajapati or some other supreme being appears. The same
can be done for Shavia philosophy. One strange thing I've noticed is that
my copy Isopanishad - which is from ISKCON - makes no mention of Krsna
or Visnu, but does so only in the summaries presented by Prabhupada.
Anshuman Pandey