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UPDATE: RK Mission Denied Non-Hindu Status

*** UPDATE ***

     We have since learned that the schools will NOT come under
government control, but will remain completely with the RK Mission.

     They could legally be taken over by the government, according
to the supreme court, but that would require the passage of a new
law which, in the present political climate, is deemed unlikely.

     The teachers have failed in their attempt to bring the schools
under the government control, while at the same time the RK Mission
failed to have itself declared a minority religion.

End of Update.

In the article <gnuCwQ9zBgON084yn@mantra.com>,
received on Mon, 17 Jul 1995 12:53:20 -1000,
jai@mantra.com (Dr. Jai Maharaj) posted:
> HINDUISM TODAY                                     August 1995
> %:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%
>                               Subscriptions: letters@hindu.org
> India's Supreme Court Denies RK Mission Non-Hindu Status
>      The Ramakrishna Mission has ultimately failed in its attempt,
> begun in 1980, to have themselves declared a non-Hindu
> minority religion -- "Ramakrishnaism" -- under Indian law. 
> [...]

[ Please send responses also to letters@hindu.org ]

The newest issue of Hinduism Today is available online at
this Web site:   http://hookomo.aloha.net/~htoday/htoday.html

Copyright 1995,  Himalayan  Academy, All  Rights Reserved.  May
not  be  published  for  commercial purposes without  the prior
written authority of Himalayan Academy.   letters@hindu.org

*-=Om Shanti=-*  Jai Maharaj
                jai maharaj |_|_|_|_| mantra corporation
 jyotishi, vedic astrologer |_|   |_| vedic prediction sciences
             jai@mantra.com |_|_ _|_| telex 6505614754
          mci mail 561-4754 | | | | | voicemail +1 808 948 4357


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