Re: Ramana Maharshi/Advaita Vedanta Meditation Retreat
To: Ajay Shah <ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu>
Subject: Re: Ramana Maharshi/Advaita Vedanta Meditation Retreat
From: Stanley Rice <srice@cruzio.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 95 23:00:14 PDT
Cc: editor@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu
From srice@cruzio.com Tue Jul 25 01: 53:39 1995
In-Reply-To: <Pine.ULT.3.90.950724144631.21697A-100000@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu>; from "Ajay Shah" at Jul 24, 95 2:47 pm
Saturday morning, September 2 through
Monday evening, September 4th, 1995
1834 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (408) 425-7287
(Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi said):
- One wants to rid oneself of misery. It requires peace of
mind, which means absence of perturbation owing to all kinds
of thoughts. Peace of mind is brought about by dhyana
(meditation) alone.
- On meditation, the relative consciousness will vanish.
That is not annihilation, for Absolute Consciousness arises.
- Meditation is, truly speaking, Atmanishta (abidance as the
- When the practice becomes firm, the real nature shows
itself as the true meditation.
(From "Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi")
- Inquiring 'Who am I?' within the mind, and reaching the
heart, the 'I' collapses. Instantly the real 'I' appears (as
'I' 'I'), which, although it manifests itself as 'I' is not
the ego, but the true being.
(From "Forty verses on Reality" v. 30)
will be filled with meditation experience and spiritual
instruction on Advaita Vedanta as revealed by Bhagavan Sri
Ramana Maharshi. Throughout this retreat Master Nome, a
Self-Realized disciple of the Maharshi, will guide us in
practicing the Maharshi's Teaching of Self-Inquiry
- The retreat will be held at SAT's temple, beginning on
Saturday morning, September 2nd, 1995 and will continue, from
early morning until mid-evening each day until Monday
evening, September 4th when the retreat concludes about
7:15 pm.
- Whether meditation practice is familiar or a new
experience, this retreat will be of immense benefit. By the
practice of Self-Inquiry illusions of limitation are
dissolved, delusion is destroyed, and the natural state of
the Self, full of bliss and peace, is realized.
- Through constant, uninterrupted meditation in the heart:
'That consciousness which is devoid of all adjuncts, that
Siva, I am' removes all attachments from the mind.
From "Poems of Sri Ramana Maharshi" p. 31
(Supplement to the Forty Verses, v. 25)
> If you intend to participate in this retreat, please
reserve a place for yourself by August 20th. You may do this
by returning the registration form below with your
registration fee of $275. (Or request a printed registration
form by calling (408) 425-7287.) This donation is for the
retreat and vegetarian meals on Saturday and Sunday.
Children under 5 are welcome to attend free of charge. A
donation of $50 is requested for children between 5 and 17.
> Parents are responsible for the care of their children at
all times. Children are welcome to participate quietly in
the meditation hall. An alternative space will be provided
for parents and their children, including the opportunity to
view the meditation hall via video monitor.
> If you are arriving at San Jose International Airport,
members of SAT will be happy to provide transportation to
the temple. Transportation can also be arranged to the
temple from your local lodging and back again.
> We look forward to serving you in any way we can to ensure
that your experience at this retreat is profoundly
meditative as you revel in Knowledge and Bliss, discovering
within the state the sages of all times have proclained to
be the highest!
- So turn your attention to the seer who is the source of
your 'I' and realize that. This is the real task. Up to now
you have been studying the object, not the subject; now find
out for what reality this word 'I' stands. Find the That
which is the source of the expression 'I'. That is the self,
the Self of all selves.
From "Know Yourself" p. 59-60)
- Constant, natural meditation like the steady flow of ghee
or a stream of water is better than intermittent
From "Upadesa Saram" v. 7)
(c) 1995 Society of Abidance in Truth
>>Registration form follows...............................<<
SEPTEMBER 2-4, 1995
(To be assured of your participation in this retreat, please
return this form by mail no later than Sunday August 20th.)
(Please print clearly)
Please check below the payment option of your choice. (Your
payment is tax-deductible.) All meals during the retreat
will be provided. Accomodations are additional.
[...] METHOD #1. The cost of attending the retreat is $275
per adult and $50 per child, ages 5-17 (children under 5 are
free). I have enclosed the payment in full for the retreat.
[...] METHOD #2. The cost of attending the retreat is $275
per adult and $50 per child, ages 5-17 (children under 5 are
free). The cost of lodging at the ashram is $50 per night
for single occupancy and $65 per night for double occupancy.
I have enclosed the payment in full for the retreat and
lodging at the ashram and understand that the lodging
portion will be returned to me if there is not space
available at the ashram. You may feel free to call first
before sending this deposit, to see if there is still
available ashram lodging.
[...] METHOD $3. A non-refundable deposit of $100 for the
retreat, with the balance due by Sunday, August 20th. The
deposit is enclosed.
[...] METHOD #4. A non-refundable deposit of $150 for the
retreat and lodging at the ashram, with the balance due by
Sunday, August 20th. The deposit is enclosed.
I have enclosed $..... for .... adults and ..... children,
whose names and ages are listed below:
[ ] I would like to reside at the ashram during the
retreat. (A limited number of private rooms are available at
the ashram. These rooms are $50 per night for single
occupancy and $65 per night for double occupancy. These
funds will be returned to you if lodging is not available.
[ ] I would like assistance in arrangements for lodging
at a nearby hotel. NOTE: Nearby campgrounds are also
If you would like someone to meet you at the San Jose
International Airport please provide your flight information
below, or let us know your flight information as soon as
possible (at least one week prior to your arrival).
Airline:...........Flight #........ Arrival date/time.......
Please give name and telephone number of someone to be
contacted in case of an emergency:
Name...............................Phone (....).............
Do you have any medical conditions or life-threatening
allergies of which we should be aware?
I understand that the Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT) is
not responsible for the physical and mental well-being of
the participants at the retreat being held at the Society's
Temple September 2-4, 1995, and that I am free to come and
go at any time. I also understand that SAT assumes no
responsibility whatsoever for the safety of any facilities I
may visit or in which I may stay, or for any activities in
which I may engage during the retreat.
(Please both sign if more than one person registers on this
Please return this registration form along with your check,
made payable to "SAT" no later than August 20th, and send by
regular mail to:
SAT "Vedanta Retreat"
1834 Ocean Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Stan Rice, Autospec Inc, srice@cruzio.com