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Re: Dishonesty (was Re: The Bhagavad-Geeta - Chapter 12)

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             From anger comes delusion,
             from delusion comes confusion of memory,
             from confusion of memory comes loss of discrimination,
             from the loss of discrimination a man perishes.
                                                  -Bhagavad Geetaa 2:64
Pai asks:
"Applying a strict desire for a word-to-word translation, then, could
someone please tell me what word was the result of translating
Because his sincerity is apparent, I suggest he consider what oblation
is offered in that fire.                                      ^^^^^^^^
Should that not be a sufficient clue, he could always consider in some
schools that oblation is not called offering nor oblation nor butter,
nor ghee, but is instead termed `the full contribution to spiritual
To each His own.

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