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Re: hindu homosexuality

In article <3um2l5$qvg@babbage.ece.uc.edu> Matt writes:
>Within a homosexual relationship there
>is as much possibility for true love as there is in a heterosexual

Within a gay relationship there is as much possibility for true love
as in a mundane straight relationship -- zero. I know this sounds
really fanatic, but it's based on the definition of "prema" given
by Lord Chaitanya -- true love (prema) is defined as that love by which
you try to satisfy the senses of Krishna; material connections are kama,
or lust.

So, there is definitely opportunity for human relationships in the
Vedic system, but it should be in accordance with those rules
and regulations; with that in mind, it should be for procreation,
and procreation with a desire to have children who are devotees of
Lord Krishna. Then, it meets the above definition of prema. Otherwise,
it is kama. 

Note: this is not intended as a condemnation. Anyone can become a devotee
by leaving behind illicit acts (such as illicit relationships, meat-eating,
drinking) and chanting the names of Lord Krishna. This is also the Vedic
system -- even one born in a family of dogeaters can become the best
of the brahmanas (I cited this Padma Purana verse sometime ago on ARV --
it's in the archive: http://www-ece.rice.edu/~vijaypai/arv) and all
those of sinful backgrounds (kirata hunandhra pulinda pulkasa ...) can be
purified by association with the devotees of Lord Vishnu (Bhagavatam 2.4.18).
Therefore, let us offer our obeisances unto Him (tasmai prabhavisnave namah).

-- Vijay

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