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Re: Dishonesty (was Re: The Bhagavad-Geeta - Chapter 12)

In article <3v3nr7$jdq@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, aq974@lafn.org (Bon Giovanni) writes:
|> Pai says
|> >considering that the above lines are copyrighted, shouldn't the
|> >author [and perhaps the moderator] have made sure that the proper
|> >attribution was given?
|> Indeed some Bibles are now copyrighted, as is ISKCON's Gita.  Some of 
|> the material I have quoted in this forum has been from Srila
|> Prabhupaada, though I did not say so. 

It seems that you intentionally do not say so, and I find that
misleading. It's equivalent to academic fraud, and it serves no

|> On one ocassion Pai mocked one of
|> those quotes, because he did not recognize it and thought it was by 
|> another Swami.


|> Perhaps that is why he is now so keen on my supplying attribution.  

No - I simply wish to know what your sources are when you make
statements which are not your own. 

|> To 
|> resolve this question, I suggest that Pai kindly report all such 
|> breaches to the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Since the copyright is not 
|> his, but theirs, it might be more appropriate to let them handle this. 

I believe that the BBT granted permission for small passages to
be quoted from the Bhagavad Gita As It Is as long as the copyright
notice was also attached. Since they have already stated their
wish, it seems foolish and ill-mannered not to comply with so
simple a wish. 
|> Should any officer of the Book Trust then advise me that quoting BRIEF 
|> sections requires any such attribution, I would of course comply.

the text of which follows at the end of this note.
|> Should they make no such request, Pai still however has the right to 
|> make still more requests, or even to follow behind me pasting
|> attributions as he wishes. His concerns are noted.

It would be nicer if you just took the time to note your
sources and that they are copyrighted. It seems like such
a simple request.


------------ text of aforementioned URL ---------

Hare Krsna, 
To all devotees who are quoting verbatim from Srila Prabhupada's books.   
While we appreciate that Srila Prabhupada's word is being spread to all   
corners of the world, we have to inform everyone that this is copyrighted   
material. Appropriate notation should be made at the end of each   
quote,ie: Copyright Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with   
We are giving everyone permission to quote from Srila Prabhupada's books   
for educational purposes only. We aren't giving permission to upload   
large files of text for FTP purposes or for downloading from any online   
service, ie: America Online. This remains the exclusive right of the BBT.   
Large text files will be posted only from the official BBT web page at   
http://www.webcom.com/~ara. Everyone should understand that Srila   
Prabhupada's purports and translations are not part of the public domain.   
Thank you for your consideration of this matter. If you have questions   
please don't hesitate to contact me at jagadish@earthlink.net or Madhava   
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Jagadisananda dasa 
North American Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Secretary

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