Re: Sin.
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: Sin.
From: fkaderli@access.ch (Francis Kaderli)
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 05:03:25 +0100
Distribution: world
From news@ns.access.ch Wed Jul 26 01: 05:11 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Francis Kaderli
References: <3tujf3$7jc@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
In article <3tujf3$7jc@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
dwaite@aladdin.co.uk (Dennis Waite) wrote:
username>Sri Parthasarathy says in his excellent commentaries on the Gita
username>something is a sin if it causes an adverse reaction in the mind
username>the event. Thus, it is O.K. to eat meat for example if one feels
username>guilt or other negative reaction afterwards but if one feels bad
username>it (mentally!), then it is a sin. This avoids all direct
username>of 'good' and 'evil', 'right' and 'wrong' etc. and the
username>opinions/beliefs of others.
Dear Dennis
Karma is impartial. Karma does not say: this is good or this is bad. It
means, you act in some way and you will get a similar reaction. Its
actually up to you, to say the reaction was good (joyfull) or bad
(painfull). It does certainly not depend on your awareness of good and bad.
But the reactions of your past actions will teach you theirs own lessons,
and it will "force" you to think about what is good or bad, because the
reactions you get, teaches you what is bad and nasty.
But you have also the possibility to learn from the higher authorithies
(real spiritual teachers, the Vedas...) to avoid the hard lessons of
painfull reactions. It is up to you, everybody has his free will and free
Gaurahari d.
Francis Kaderli * Email: fkaderli@access.ch *
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