Re: Convert Here!
To: editor@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu
Subject: Re: Convert Here!
From: r0m6887@tam2000.tamu.edu (Ravisankar S. Mayavaram)
Date: 26 Jul 1995 00:33:19 GMT
From news@news.tamu.edu Tue Jul 25 20: 21:23 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
References: <3uovlp$h8v@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
: >From: kasparkeys@aol.com (KasparKeys)
: Newsgroups: alt.hindu
: I was an adopted child from Varanasi, India. My mother was Hindu, and my
: parents were instructed to name me Madhulika. I was raised a Catholic,
: but I could never relate to this religon. I have considered taking my
: birth mother's religon. How can I convert? I live in New York, if that
: makes a difference. I don't know if just telling myself that I am Hindu
: is enough, I want this to be official. Caste is unimportant.
Conversion you are talking about is external. It is not
necessary. Between you and God all these unnecessary formalities
do not exist. To whom you want to declare that you are a Hindu? To
your neighbours and friends? or to GOD?
All religions lead to the same truth. Only out of ignorance
people go around changing their path. I can give you some
references, which can help you to understand the underlying unity
between Christianity and Hinduism.
1) Paramahansa Yogananda,
"Autobiography of an Yogi"
Published by Self-relaization Fellowship
2) Swami Yuktheswar Giri
"The Holy Science"
Published by Self-relaization Fellowship
These two talk a great deal about underlying unity of
Christianity and Hinduism.
(Self-Realization Fellowship,
3880, San Rafael Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90065)
Great masters like Shirdi Sai Baba, Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi,
Sri Ramakrishna Parahamsa, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, and many
other Saints, never encouraged such conversions.
If you feel comfortable worshipping GOD in Hindu way ( what is
not a hindu way?) please do so. But I feel external conversion,
is not necessary. (Since I am not in your shoes, I may not be
understanding your feelings completely. If I had hurt you in any
way, I apologize before hand.)