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Learning Sanskrit -2 (From Prof Ashok Aklujkar)

        It is a good sign that many individuals interested in knowing more
about Hinduism wish to study Vedic Sanskrit. They should note that one can
study Vedic Sanskrit efficiently and effectively only after one has gained
a sufficient mastery of regular, common (or what specialists call
classical) Sanskrit. It is like knowing basic, present-day English before
tackling Shakespeare or knowing a modern South Asian language reasonably
well before reading the compositions of medieval Saint poets (like
Jnana-deva, Kabir, Surdas, etc.)
        To learn classical Sanskrit, a tool like Sanskrit: an Easy
Introduction to an Enchanting Language (developed by Professor Ashok
Aklujkar and  available from Svadhyaya Publications, 5346 Opal Place,
Richmond, B.C., Canada V7C 5B4.  Telephone:
604-274-5353) should be used. 
        To speak in broad terms, the recommended path of transition is:
Classical -- Epic -- Late Vedic (the Sanskrit of older Upanishads and
Braahma.nas) -- Vedic (of Rgveda / Rigveda etc.). 
        The varieties of Buddhist or Jain Sanskrit may be chosen as
alternatives or supplements in the second, Epic, phase.  
        It is not necessary to study very advanced or complex compositions
in the Classical before turning to Epic Sanskrit.
        Most students can profitably undertake the study of Pali and
Ardha-magadhi, the canonical languages of early Buddhism and Jainism
respectively, after gaining a good grounding in Classical Sanskrit.  
        In the case of other Prakrit languages, Apabhramsha, and modern
South Asian languages (if you are not already a speaker of a modern South
Asian language), it  is generally better to postpone their study  until you
have studied Classical Sanskrit well. It is much to your advantage to have
an insight into Sanskrit first.  Then many features of pronunciation,
writing, word formation, and word choice become easily intelligible, in
addition to those of grammar.

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