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BG II: Sh 62-64: Swami Chinmayananda's Commentary

Bhagavad Gita Chap II: Shlokas 62-64

Excerpts/highlights from Swami Chinmayananda's commentary

62: dhyayato vishayan pumsah sangasteshuupajayate
      sangatsanjayate kamah kamatkrodhobhijayate
63: krodhatbhavati smamohah sammohatsmritivibhramah
      smritibhramshatbuddhinashah buddhinashatpranashyati

The ladder-of-fall is very beautifully and elaborately described here,
that, fallen as we are, we shall know how to get back to our pristine
glory and inward perfection...

.... Thus, when an individual, through wrong channels of thinking,
becomes ATTACHED to an object, the attachment matures into a
burning DESIRE to possess that object. Thus when an obstruction to
possession of the object-of-desire causes a fit of ANGER, the
mental disturbance cause by emotion DELUDES the intellect and
makes the individual FORGET his relationship with beings around
him. When the deluded intellect forgets its dignity and culture, it
loses its discriminative capacity, which in common parlance is called
as 'conscience' (buddhi). Conscience is a standard within ourselves,
and is the ability to discriminate between good and evil. Conscience
warns the mind against lustful sensuousness and animalism. Once
this conscience is dulled, man has no ears for any subtler call than
the urgent hungers of the flesh. Thus he cannot perceive or strive
for the the Higher, Nobler and Divine.

64: ragadveshaviyuktaistu vishayanidriyaishcharan
      atmavashyaivudheyatma prasadamadhigacchati

...... The outer world of objects is able to whip that man who lends
power to the objects to smother him. Supposing there is a lunatic
who is whipping himself and weeping in pain. His sorrows can be
ended only when he is persuaded not to swing the whip.... Similarly,
the mind woos objects and gets beaten! .....
A Master-of-Wisdom, with perfect self-control, moves among objects
with neither any special love or any particular aversion for them....
When the mind is trained thus, the disturbances caused by sense-
enchantments are all brought under control, resulting in tranquillity

....Prasadam is symbolically represented in the distribution of sweets
after a Puja. The significance is that one who has practiced self-
control and god-contemplation during the Puja comes to enjoy the
tranquillity of Spiritual Grace of Divine Peace....

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