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International Journal on Tantric Studies

This is to announce a new Electronic Journal, available by e-mail and WWW.


Friends and Colleagues,

This is to inform you of the new electronic INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TANTRIC 

Subscription is free and open to all. Articles, news etc. 
submitted to the journal are subject to review before publication.


   Editor-in-Chief: Enrica GARZILLI (Harvard University)
   Co-Editor: Michael WITZEL (Harvard University)
   Editorial Board: <exact composition to follow>
   e-mail: ijts-list@arcadiax1.arcadia.polimi.it
   e-mail (to subscribe): ijts-list-request@arcadiax1.arcadia.polimi.it
   WWW: http://arcadiax1.arcadia.polimi.it/~ijtslist/

   Technical Assistant: Ludovico MAGNOCAVALLO (Politecnico of Milan)

1) This journal is open to all *bona fide* scholars in Tantric Studies in 
Sanskrit. Particular attention is paid to the Trika schools of Kashmir.
2) It is monitored for style and content by the Editor-in-Chief.
3) There is copyright but with automatic permission to publish anywhere else 
later on when the author wishes to do so. Our aim is to disseminate our 
work quickly.
4) We include unpublished articles, abstracts, and news (such as on 
published and unpublished books, on papers, conferences, meetings, Ph.D. 
projects, etc.)
5) We plan to publish once a year a hard copy of all the contributions 
to this journal. It will be distributed under request. 

> The address for submissions is:

> To subscribe, send a message to:

 With this subject and/or content:
 subscribe (your-name)
e.g.: subscribe (Joseph Green)

                 Subscriptions are open from now, May 30, 1995.

> To get a list of the available commands send a message to:

With this subject and/or content:

> To get information on how to send submissions and how to format them, 
send a message to: 

Only with this subject:
Archive: get submission.txt 

> The home page on WWW is found at: 

 WWW pages will be created by June 7, 1995.

                   * Submissions are always welcome! *

Dott. Enrica Garzilli


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