Re: Any validation for vegetarianism in Hinduism
The reference to Geeta (9.26) is a bit of a stretch. The good Lord says
in that verse that whatever you offer him with complete faith and
devotion, he will accept. It does not preclude other more precious
things, nor does it refer to only edible offerings. (We don't necessarily
eat all kinds of leaves, fruits, and flowers!) My take on the stand of
our religion about food is this: It does not prevent people from
selecting their foods. It does, however, make very clear recommendations
as to what kind of food people should eat. People working on an
intellectual level are urged to eat foods that will help, not inhibit,
those activities. Thus, foods that calm the mind and senses, which are
mainly vegetarian are recommendes and even excessive fat and sugar in the
food are to be avoided, let alone meats. Anyone remotely connected with
foods can tell you that fat and sugar are just plain fattening and induce
indolence. On the other hand, people performing work with their hands and
especially those working in the defense of the country, are encouraged to
eat foods that will, once again, promote the tendencies that require
strength, endurance and in general, higher level of excitement. The
worrior class, particularly, were known to eat meat in ancient times. The
Mahabharata is full of references to meats of exotic birds being served to
both armies. The Hindu concept of vegetarianism is not religious. It is
plain common sense, compassion and based on the fact that vegetarian
foods, when consumed properly, provide all the nutrition necessary. Why
kill an animal if there are plenty of other equally good, and I might add
tasty, treats available?
I should also add that the ban on cow slaughter is not based on religion.
It is based on the dictate of Vishugupta Chanakya, the prime minister of
Chandrgupta. All Chanakya said was that the cow is an extremely useful
animal and therefore asked people not to kill it, but use its products
during (milk, oxen, manure) and after (skin, bones) its normal life.
Hope this makes sense.
Pradip Sagdeo