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Re: Sukla Yajur Veda vs. Krsna Yajur Veda

The story about Yajnavalkya is rather late and does not really matter
for the hsitory of Yajuses.

There are three surviving recensions of Krsna Yajur Veda: Katha (with
a minor variant, the Kapistala), Maitrayani and Taittiriya. These
differ from Sukla in mixing the mantras with brahmana portions.

If you just take the mantra portions, the various versions do not
differ that much. The mantras probably go back to a common original.

The brahmana parts dispplay much greater difference. The earlist in
terms of language and style are Katha and Maitrayani. Satapatha is
the latest.

Nath Rao			It is the man, not the method that
nathrao+@osu.edu		solves the problem.
614-366-9341			Henri Poincare (paraphrased by E. T. Bell)

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