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Re: Ravi Zacharias, Christian apologetic

All religions are true (not same!).  Religion is like food, one man's food
can be another man's poison.  Individuals have preferences for food
depending on their nature and nurture.  However, the purpose of all food
is nourishment.  In food from all cultures, there are elements, which when
consumed improperly can me hazardous to health.  Going around telling one
religion is true and another religion is false is like saying  for example
that Italian food is poison and French food is ambrosia.  Although both of
them have elements of ambrosia and poison in them just as any other food. 
 It is up to us use them properly so that we don't drastically affect our
health. Religion is the same way.  It can uplift you or turn you into a
fanatic or a lunatic.  Enough tears and blood has been shed in the name of
religion by misguided people such as Ravi Zacharias, who seem to know, but
do not really understand their or other's religion.  I suggest Ravi to
read the works of Joseph Campbell, Eknath Iswaran and such, instead of
placing all his bet on one controversial book composed by one tribe in a
distant land and time.  If the only way he can make his religion great is
by denying other scriptures, I really feel sorry for him.  By the way,
does Ravi think that people of the sort of Buddha, Socrates, Confucius,
Mahatma Gandhi, Pythagoras, Plato, Spinoza are all burning in an eternal
hell just so beacuse of his (mis)interpretation of  the Bible and other

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