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Re: aham brahmasmi - Revised and Enlarged!

ken stuart (ken_stuart@macshasta.snowcrest.net) wrote:

: Ramakrishna first was a Kali worshipper, but he specifically and explicitly
: did so with the understanding expressed in the Bhagavad Gita, ie that all

Uhh, I suppose you are refering to the understanding expressed as 
avidhi-purvakam (in an illegal way), alpa-buddhaya(with little 
intelligence), abuddhaya (with no intelligence), mudha (like an ass), 
etc. It is nice to know the understanding RK had while worshipping Kali, 
at least he understood he was doing it in a wrong way.

: those appearances are in fact just the Supreme Person.

Now your mixing up a whole lot of things. First, he didn't believe in a 
Supreme Person, as he was not a dvaitist (or a variation there of). What 
you should have said is he believed Krishna and Kali to both be material 
representatives of the Brahman, i.e. Mayavada. (mAyAvAdam asac-chastra, 
pracchana bhaudam ucyate).

: This is NOT the same as what Krsna really is admonishing in that section of

Good point. Krishna _never_ says all gods are the same. He clearly says He
is the Supreme Person, who is eternal and beyond death, whereas from the
top (Brahma) down to the lowest living entity in the material world, all
are subject to death. 

: the Gita, ie those people (and there are MANY in India) who worship  deities
: as being DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS - ie My God is Better than Your God.

There is only one God: ekam eva advitiyam brahma. There is only one, 
there are not two. And Krishna says worship of other gods is _wrong_, it 
is avidhi purvakam.

: that the SAME Supreme Person is worshipped by all these paths, which is what
: Srila Prabhupada and Krsna himself have said as well.

Show me where Srila Prabhupada says Kali is the same as Krishna. That'll 
be news.

: Ramakrishna said of the Srimad Bhagavatam, "It is fried in the butter of
: Knowledge and stepped in the honey of Love".

And Vivekananda said it is better to play football then to read 
Bhagavad-gita. After all, with footall at least you get excercise.

: Note that Ramakrishna's organization publishes books on Sri Ramanuja and Sri
: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

And also note that neither the Sri sampradaya nor the Gaudiya sampradaya 
print _any_ books about Ramakrishna. I wonder why? They must be envious!

: Ken
: Ken@macshasta.com


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